Thyme for Acne – a Natural Remedy

thyme for acne

About 95% of people in the world will experience acne in some point of their life. It’s very common skin ailment in America with 50 million people suffering from this condition. (1)

Repeated washing, squeezing and high use of beauty creams will make lesions worse. If you’re concerned about your appearance, good news to you there is a natural inexpensive remedy – thyme for acne.

Researchers say that hormonal imbalance stimulate excess production of sebum, which gets blocked at skin pores. It’s a known fact that your skin sheds millions of dead cells that accumulate on the skin. Oil, dead cells and impurities all combine to pop-up blackheads/whiteheads/acne.

As mentioned above, pimples are most common skin issue faced by teenagers. Desire to resemble celebrity drives them to try different cosmetic creams, which normally include chemicals to increase the shelf-life of the product.

You won’t believe, due to excess use of beauty creams your skin can lose its elasticity and premature wrinkles may appear. (2)

On the other hand, natural remedies like thyme leaves or oil go smooth over the skin and have no or less side-effects.

Benefits of Thyme for Acne

This herb belongs to mint family and is extensively found in Europe. Known for its aromatic smell and earthy flavor, thyme leaves can be used to treat skin and health ailments.

Nutrients like vitamin A, B, E, C, K, folic acid, iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and manganese are packed in this herb. Other properties like antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and expectorant enhance healing injuries.

  • Antioxidant activity of this herb will fight free radicals that can damage cell membrane.
  • Antibacterial agents stop P.acnes bacterial infection and thus reduce acne inflammation.
  • You can topically apply this natural remedy over minor injuries and burns, its antiseptic property will avoid infection and stimulate fasten healing.
  • Blend thyme leaves with other innate ingredients to make it effective. Thyme oil extracted from its leaves can moisturize and treat acne.

Seems excellent! Isn’t it?

But, wait. Before you proceed further, let’s see what researchers are saying about this herb.

Team from Leeds Metropolitan University (UK) carried a study by preparing tincture using thyme, marigold and myrrh. Three killed bacteria within 5 minutes, but thyme tincture stood out to be most potent.

When compared to benzoyl peroxide, thyme proved to be the better option. For those who experience irritation while using benzoyl peroxide may use this natural remedy.

However, experts don’t recommend direct use of thyme tincture at home. You must either reach an expert or try blending it with other natural remedies.

Note: I recommend to patch test on elbow or hand before rubbing thyme all over your face.

How to Use Thyme?

thyme oil to treat acne

Excellent thing about natural remedies is that you can blend them with other ingredients to suit your skin type. For those who want to save their skin from chemical ingredients can try this home available recipe to treat acne.

There are different ways to sue thyme leaves or oil. Select the one which goes well with your skin.

Method: 1 (Thyme Leaves and Witch Hazel)

  • Sterilize a small jar or bottle by placing it in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
  • When it’s done dry the bottle thoroughly.
  • Drop 1 tablespoon of dry thyme leaves and 4 tablespoons of witch hazel in the bottle.
  • Shake well and store the bottle in dark place for few days. You can also use it right away as soon as lotion turns to brown color.
  • Wash your face or affected part with lukewarm water and pat dry with clean cloth.
  • Apply this toner evenly using cotton ball or swab.

Regularly use this toner to treat acne.

Method: 2 (Thyme and Clay Mask)

  • Take 1 table spoon of bentonite clay (or kaolin clay or french green) in a bowl.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of above mentioned thyme witch hazel toner to it.
  • After mixing well, apply it over acne blemishes.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Clay removes the moisture from the blemishes and thyme kills bacteria.

Method: 3 (Thyme and Lemon Juice Mask)

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sour cream in a food processor.
  • Optionally add 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Cleanse your face with lukewarm water or expose it steam to open blocked pores.
  • Apply the mask evenly all over the face and leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.

Excess use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive. Use natural moisturizer like olive oil or jojoba oil regularly before going to bed.

You can replace dried thyme leaves with thyme oil to treat acne. Along with topical application, internally you must take vitamin rich diet and drink enough water.

Did you ever use thyme for acne? Please share your views about the herb.

Image source: 1, 2

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