How to Use Olive Oil for Wrinkles & Eye Wrinkles – 18 DIY Methods

olive oil for wrinkles

One of the common signs of aging is the wrinkles that can’t be ignored. The use of chemicals makes it hard for those to disappear. Some of them can give only temporary benefit. Using natural methods such as Olive Oil for Wrinkles can give lasting effects without any side effects.

Skin becomes wrinkled when the level of collagen decreases and it loses its tightness. Your skin becomes rough and signs of aging start to appear. Pores of the skin close and sagging skin start to appear on your face.

There are many factors that can make the damage speed up including environmental factors. Use of olive oil can be the best treatment for wrinkled skin.

Is Olive Oil Good for Wrinkles?

Regular use of olive oil seems to have good effects on the skin of many users.

  • It makes your skin soft and moistens your skin. Your skin regains elasticity and resilience.
  • The rich antioxidants make the skin free from free-radicals.
  • The vitamins in the olive oil provide the required moisture to your skin.
  • Olive Oil is an excellent natural scrub and helps get rid of dead skin cells.
  • The oil helps in creating a better skin by penetrating deep inside the pores and layers.
  • It provides the required nutrients to the skin making it look younger. It repairs the damage and promotes the regeneration of the dead cells.
  • Olive oil when applied on face and under the eyes helps remove wrinkles.
  • It is an excellent skin care remedy which aid healing of cuts and bruises without causing any scar.
  • It can be used in the people suffering from eczema as it reduces itching.
  • The primary components in the olive oil are oleic acid and polyphenols that has anti-aging properties.

It further prevents the skin from damage and anti-aging signs to appear.

Also read: Is Olive Oil Good for Skin Whitening?

How to Use Olive Oil for Wrinkles?

Olive Oil for Face

#1. Olive oil


  • Apply olive oil daily before bedtime on the affected area.
  • Massage the area well and let your skin soak the oil.
  • Go to sleep just like that and wash the oil off in the morning.
  • Use of olive oil while cooking can also help in getting the radiant and beautiful skin.
  • Another method you can use is to use extra virgin olive oil and massage the affected area in circular motion.
  • After that, place a clean damp cloth on your face. Let your pores soak it all in for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat both the methods regularly to obtain smooth and radiant skin.
  • This method is good for both dry and sensitive skin.

#2. Olive Oil with Lemon


  • Lemon juice: ¼ teaspoon
  • Olive oil: 1 to 2 teaspoons


  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl.
  • Apply it on your face and massage well.
  • Leave it for few minutes and wash it off.


  1. It is especially good for wrinkles on your forehead.
  2. You can even use equal amounts of olive oil and lemon.
  3. It promotes the flow of blood to your skin.

#3. Olive oil with Glycerin and Honey


Olive oil, honey, and glycerin: few drops each


  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl.
  • Apply it on the affected area and massage well.
  • Continue the process for more 10 minutes to promote blood circulation.
  • Wash the oil off of your face with normal water.
  • Repeat this process regularly for lasting results.


  • The combination of olive oil and honey provides freedom from free-radicals because of the presence of antioxidants.
  • Glycerin provides protection against skin infections and moistens your skin.

Also read: How to Use Glycerin for Skin & Wrinkles?

#4. Olive Oil, Lemon, and Sugar


  • Lemon juice: 2 teaspoon
  • Sugar: ½ teaspoon
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 1 tablespoon


  • Mix the ingredients well in a separate bowl.
  • Apply it to your affect skin and massage well.
  • Leave your skin to soak it all in for few minutes.
  • Wash it all off with lukewarm water by the method of scrubbing.
  • Repeat this process regularly once a day.
  • If you don’t have a lemon, you can even use 1 teaspoon of honey in its place.


  • Lemon has antibacterial properties that protect the damaged skin from the attacks of bacteria.
  • The unique mixture makes the skin radiant and glowing.

#5. Olive Oil and Pineapple


  • Olive oil: 2 to 3 teaspoon
  • Pineapple: 1 cup


  • Add the mixture to a bowl and mix them well.
  • Apply it in the affected area let your skin soak it in for 30 minutes.
  • After it dries, wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • Dry your face with a towel and apply moisturizer to your face.
  • Repeat this process regularly for better results.


  • Antioxidants, vitamins, and fibers in the pineapple help your skin to gain lost elasticity.
  • The mixture provides moisture and stops the appearance of dull skin.

#6. Olive Oil and Papaya


  • Ripe papaya pulp: 2 tablespoons
  • Olive oil: 1 teaspoon


  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl.
  • Apply it on the affected area and leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with normal water and clean your face.


Papaya is rich in antioxidants that make your face look young and reduces extra wrinkles from your skin.

#7. Olive Oil, Honey, Milk and Egg White


  • Egg white: 1
  • Honey: 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil: ½ teaspoon
  • Milk: 2 teaspoons


  • Mix the ingredients well and apply it on your face.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes to dry.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process 3 times a week.


Such amazing ingredient combination gives you wrinkle free skin within a short period.

#8. Olive oil and Vitamin E oil


  • Olive oil: ¼ teaspoon
  • Vitamin E oil: ¼ teaspoon


  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl.
  • Apply it on your face before going to bed.
  • Massage the affected area well and go to sleep.
  • Wash the face off in the morning using cold water.
  • You can use it even in other parts of the body that has wrinkles.


Antioxidants in Vitamin E oil acts to repair your damaged skin and blocks free-radicals.

Also read: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Wrinkles?

 #9. Olive oil and Tomatoes


  • Olive oil: 2 to 3 teaspoon
  • Tomato juice: 5 tablespoons


  • Mix the ingredients well and keep in safely.
  • Drink it regularly if you don’t have an allergy to tomatoes.


The mixture of antioxidant and lycopene makes it possible to make your skin youthful by removing free-radicals.

#10. Olive Oil, Pineapple Crush, and Rosewater


  • Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Pineapple crush and rosewater


  • Wash your neck and face with milk or some cleansing cream and dry it well.
  • Apply the olive oil on your neck and face and massage the affected are well for few minutes.
  • Apply pineapple crush and rose water on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Let it dry off and wash your face with water.
  • Repeat twice a week for better results.


  • The mixture fights off the wrinkles from your face and neck area.
  • It restores the tightness of your skin.

#11. Olive oil and Avocado


  • Olive oil: ½ teaspoons
  • Avocado slices: 3 to 4 pieces


  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl.
  • Apply it on the affected area and massage in a circular way.
  • Leave your face to soak it all in for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with normal water.
  • Use this every day for better results.


There are many vitamins in Avocado that promote the natural cleansing process of wrinkles.

#12. Olive Oil, Oatmeal Powder, and Orange Juice


  • Orange juice: 1 teaspoon
  • Oatmeal powder: 2 teaspoons.
  • Egg yolk: 1
  • Olive oil: 1 teaspoon


  • Mix the ingredients well and apply it on your face.
  • Wash your face off after few minutes with normal water.
  • Repeat it regularly for better results
  • You can even add 2 tablespoons of cooked oatmeal, 2 tablespoons, and half cup milk and apply it on your face.
  • Wash it off after 20 minutes.


Oatmeal and orange juice has many benefits for skin and it is famous for making your skin look young and radiant.

#13. Olive Oil and Rose Essential Oil


  • Rose essential oil: 6 drops
  • Olive oil: 1 ounce


  • Mix the ingredients well and apply the mixture on your dry face.
  • Massage the face, especially the wrinkled area, well for few minutes.
  • Leave it overnight and wash the face with normal water.
  • Repeat the process every night.
  • If you don’t have rose oil, you can even use lavender essential oil or ylang-ylang essential oil 3 drops each.


  • Your skin becomes tighten and firm.
  • The unique combination gives your face a smooth texture.

#14. Olive Oil, Rosewater and Gram Flour


  • Extra virgin olive oil: 2 teaspoons
  • Rosewater to wash the face
  • Gram flour: 2 teaspoons


  • Apply the mixture on your face.
  • Leave it for drying or for 30 minutes.
  • Wash it off with rosewater.
  • You can also use corn flour instead of gram flour.
  • Repeat the process regularly for better results


  • The gram flour helps in whitening your skin and makes it soft.
  • Rosewater helps in reduction of irritation of skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.

#15. Olive Oil and Carrot Oil


  • Carrot seed oil: 2 drops
  • Extra virgin oil: 2 teaspoons


  • Mix the ingredients well and apply it on the affected area.
  • Massage the area well and leave it to soak it all in for 5 minutes.
  • Wash your face with water.
  • Repeat this process every day for better results.


Carrot oil is one of the best ingredients to fight off the signs of aging because of the high content of vitamins.

Olive Oil for Wrinkles Around Eyes

One of the best techniques is olive oil for eye wrinkles to protect your face from aging. Your eyes and skin beneath it are delicate and can be prone to wrinkles sooner. It will give moisture to the area and makes you look younger.

#1. Olive Oil and Aromatic Oils


  • Pine oil: 3 drops
  • Cedar oil: 2 drops
  • Peppermint oil: 1 drop
  • Olive oil: 50 ml


  • Mix the ingredients well and warm it
  • Apply it to the wrinkled area around eyes carefully with fingertips.
  • Massage the area well.
  • Remember to leave the area of upper eyelids.
  • Let the skin soak it all in for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Use a soft napkin made of paper for wiping it off.
  • You can even use cotton balls dipped in the mixture of warm oils. Place it on the wrinkled skin under your eyes and repeat the above process.


This mixture can give you radiant and beautiful skin and make you look younger.

#2. Olive Oil, Mint, Calendula, and Burdock


  • Burdock: ½ teaspoon
  • Mint leaves: ½ teaspoon
  • Calendula: ½ teaspoon
  • Olive oil: ¼ glass


  • Mix the ingredients well and apply it on the affected area, that is, around your eyes.
  • Let it rest for the night.
  • Wash the oils off carefully in the morning.
  • Repeat the process every day for better results.


  • Calendula is a powerful antiseptic that helps in healing your damaged skin.
  • Mint is good for skin and gives relief from acne and other skin problems.
  • Burdock provides helpful nutrients to your skin.

#3. Olive Oil, Rosehip Oil, and Glycerin


  • Vegetable glycerin: 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil: 1 to 2 teaspoons
  • Rosehip/hemp oil: 1 teaspoon
  • Raw honey: 1 teaspoon


  • Mix the Vegetable Glycerin, Olive oil, and Rosehip oil and apply it on the affected area under your eyes.
  • Place a damp cloth over the area.
  • Leave the skin to soak it all in.
  • Now add raw honey to the mixture and apply it again over the area.
  • Massage it again and put the warm and damp cloth.
  • You can repeat the process and after that, add Vaseline.


  • Vegetable glycerin gives moisture to your skin and makes it radiant.
  • Rosehip oil protects your skin from further damage, especially from the sun.

Important Tips

  • It is better if you use extra virgin olive oil instead of normal one.
  • Regular use can give your skin required moisture and relief from the wrinkled skin.
  • Along with that, make sure to sleep well at night to avoid further skin damage.
  • Olive oil can be used for all types of skin.
  • Drink plenty of water and have a healthy diet.

You can use the above recipes of olive oil for wrinkles every day for best results. Feel free to leave a comment and share your personal experience of olive oil use.

How to Use Olive Oil for Skin Whitening – (Is it Good?) 9 DIY Methods


It’s not another vegetable oil that can be used for culinary purpose. Olive oil benefits have been documented in religious books like The Holy Qur’an and in many ancient books. Here you’ll learn how to use olive oil for skin whitening and get rid of hyperpigmentation.

Since centuries this oil has been used to treat various health issues and skin ailments.

Mediterranean women use this oil as a moisturizing and cleansing agent. Exceptional vitamins and fatty acids packed in olive oil make it an ideal remedy for sensitive skin people.

Topical application of this oil will help to rejuvenate your skin, improve skin complexion, get rid of dark spots, and fade wrinkles.

Also read: 10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foreheads Wrinkles without Botox

If you want to use olive oil for skin complexion, then you must remember that it’s not an instant process and regular application is important to see positive results.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Glowing Skin (Why Olive Oil?)

High concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil makes it the healthiest diet for Mediterranean people. Studies show that people who consume this oil have a lower risk of cardiovascular problems.

Along with its impeccable health benefits, olive oil can be used topically for face fairness, to make your skin supple and soft.

Is olive oil good for skin whitening?

Exfoliate your skin

When the increasing pollutants get accumulated over your skin, along with harmful UV rays they lead to dark skin. Nutrients in olive oil help to cleanse these piled impurities.

Polyphenols, flavonoids and vitamin E residing in this innate oil promotes cell regeneration, cleanse dead cells and lightens your skin.

Olive oil to get rid of hyperpigmentation

External and internal factors influence the excess production of melanin resulting in brown spots or dark complexion. Apart from this, skin ailments also leave scars that ruin your aesthetic appearance.

Vitamins and minerals packed in this innate oil can effectively help to improve your skin complexion.

Moisturize your skin

External and internal factors stripe natural oils from the skin, hydrating agents in olive oil penetrate deep into the skin and moisturize it from the outside.

Regular application of this oil will make your skin smooth and supple.


Vitamin E and K in olive oil exhibit antioxidant activity, which fights free radicals and enhances cell regeneration. Free radicals damage skin cells and elasticity, resulting in fine lines or wrinkles. (1)

Anti-inflammatory agents

Most nutrients in this golden color oil show anti-inflammatory property, which reduces acne inflammation.

Dark Circles

Skin lightening properties housed in olive oil and lemon will improve your skin complexion.

Assorted nutrients in the oil help to promote elastin and collagen production.

Olive oil application will rejuvenate skin and reduce dark circles.

Treats Blackheads and Whiteheads

The nutritional ability of olive oil helps to cleanse blocked pores and remove blackheads. Regular massage will remove excess sebum accumulated on your skin and wipe blackheads.

Protects your skin from UV rays

Vitamin A and E residing in this oil protects from harmful UV rays and pollutants, which may damage your skin.

Repeated exposure to sunlight may lead to excess production of melanin and dark complexion. Vitamins residing in olive oil help to guard your fair skin.

Assorted nutrients in olive oil can improve your skin tone and its elasticity.

Unlike store available skin lightening products, olive oil is free from harmful chemicals that irritate your skin.

You can use olive oil for face whitening, because of A and E vitamins. They exhibit antioxidant property and improve cell generation.

To reap all exceptional nutrients, experts recommend using extra virgin olive oil for skin lightening and to make it supple. Because refined olive oil has chemical ingredients packed in it.

Recommended: Carrot face mask for skin whitening

How to Use Olive Oil for Skin Whitening?

Get an extra virgin olive oil from local drug store and topically massage over prewashed face. Best time to apply this oil is before going to bed. So the nutrients will have enough time to react to skin ailments.

You can use a cotton swab to apply it to acne lesions as a spot treatment. Don’t expect instant results, natural remedies require continuous use. To make this natural oil more effective or suitable for your skin type, you’re free to mix any innate ingredient to it. (Until you’re not allergic to it)

Let’s check out few different olive oil face mask recipes.

Also read: Olive oil for stretch marks

#1 Olive Oil for Fair Skin

Everyone desires to have a glowing skin. To obtain this, most people run after cosmetic creams that are included with chemical ingredients. You can use olive oil for glowing skin, but to make it more effective, beauty experts recommend blending it with other home available ingredients.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with 1 tablespoon of raw honey and egg yolk.
  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  • Wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • Evenly apply this face mask on the face and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

#2 Olive Oil for Glowing Skin

Ingredients you need are honey, sugar, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil.

To get a natural glow, you need to first wipe impurities accumulated over the skin. This olive oil face mask can help you exfoliate dead cells and dirt off the face.

  • Initially, wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • Mix olive oil, honey, and sugar in a clean bowl. Optionally add 1-2 drops of lemon juice.
  • Now, apply the face mask over the skin and smoothly start massaging in circular motion. After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off.

Lemon juice may irritate your sensitive skin, so limit its use or apply olive oil after this face mask treatment.

Also read: Sesame oil for skin whitening

#3 Lemon and Olive Oil for Skin Lightening

Acidic nature of lemon juice helps to remove impurities and lighten dark spots over the skin. Olive oil has hydrating properties that can moisturize and make your skin bright. Regular use of this face mask will fade dark spots and acne scars.

  • Initially, cook 1/2 cup of oatmeal and cool it. Now mix 1 tbsp of olive oil, few drops of lemon juice and 1 egg white to it.
  • Apply this face mask over prewashed face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and apply natural moisturizer like jojoba oil or coconut oil.

#4 Olive Oil for Hyperpigmentation

There are various factors that cause hyperpigmentation. External factors include excess exposure to UV rays, impurities and longer exposure to the computer screen.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of oat flakes, 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon of raw milk.
  • Apply the obtained smooth paste over the prewashed face.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes, so that nutrients in the face mask penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Apart from this, include nutrient-rich diet and wear sunscreen cream while going out.

#5 Olive Oil and Cucumber

Like other natural home ingredients, cucumber is also packed with essential vitamins that your skin needs.

Cucumber is also packed with skin lightening abilities that can improve your skin complexion and lighten the appearance of scars.

  • Take 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 fresh cucumber.
  • Mash or grind cucumber slices into a smooth
  • Add olive oil and milk to the paste.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it on the prewashed
  • Allow it to be on your skin from 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Oats, Milk and Olive Oil for Glowing Skin

Oats are prominent for exfoliating and cleansing your skin. Packed with exceptional vitamins and minerals, oats are beneficial for cosmetic purposes.

Lactic acid residing in milk is also renowned for its magical ability of whitening your skin.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil with 1 tbsp of oats and 1 tbsp of milk.
  • Wash your face and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Apply the mixed paste on your face and allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Repeat this simple process twice per week.

#7 Glycerin and Olive Oil to Whiten Skin

Glycerin is a colorless and tasteless liquid that is packed with healing properties. Mixing it with olive oil will help to relive inflammation.

In this recipe, you can also add lemon juice. Bleaching property of lemon lightens the appearance of dark or brown spots.

  • Mix ½ tbsp of olive oil with ½ tbsp of glycerin.
  • Also, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the solution.
  • Apply this mask to prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water after 20 minutes.

#8 Olive Oil and Castor Oil for Skin Lightening

Omega-3 fatty acids residing in castor oil improves the elasticity of your skin and reduces pigmentation.

Ricinoleic acid is the main component in this viscous oil that helps to lighten your skin and make it look radiant.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon olive oil with 1 tsp of castor oil.
  • Optionally add few drops of lavender oil to above oil.
  • Apply this oil on your prewashed using a cotton ball or clean fingers.
  • Massage gently for 2 minutes.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 20 minutes.

#9 Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil

Glycol housed in ACV cleanse your skin and alpha hydroxy acids help to shed dead skin cells.

Assorted vitamins in vinegar help to lighten the appearance of your skin and make it radiant. Did you ever use apple cider vinegar for skin whitening? Check the below recipe.

  • Dilute ¼ cup of ACV with ¼ cup of water.
  • Also, add ½ cup of olive oil to it.
  • Stir well and apply the lotion on your face.
  • Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Store for future use.

How to Use Olive Oil for Face at Night?

All the DIY recipes listed above can be used at night.

Else, you can prepare your own night face mask cream with apple cider vinegar.

  • Mix ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil with ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Dilute the solution with ¼ cup of distilled water.
  • Apply this natural face mask over the prewashed face with cotton ball.
  • Leave it dry naturally throughout the night.

Alternatively, dip a cotton ball in extra virgin olive oil and wipe it over dark areas of your face for skin whitening. You can also use this method to remove makeup.

Note: Patch test before applying olive oil to avoid an allergic reaction.

Where Can I Buy Olive Oil for Skin Whitening?

To reap all benefits listed above, beauty experts recommend extra virgin olive oil.

Check your local drug store or Buy it from Amazon.




How to Use Olive Oil for Dark Spots – 10 DIY Methods (No. 3 is Best)

olive oil for dark spots

Cleopatra, the beauty queen who is renowned for her beauty regimen in the modern world used olive oil. Beauty experts and bloggers are consistently harping about cosmetic uses of olive oil for dark spots.

Extolling benefits of this natural ingredient can be found in religious books like the Qur’an and Bible.

Packed with vitamins and minerals that your skin needs, extra virgin olive oil can promote cell regeneration and make your skin soft.

Why Do I Have Dark Spots on My Face?

You don’t have a single cause for these brown spots.

Various factors like hormonal imbalance, skin ailments like acne, eczema, aging and harmful sun rays influence melanin production, which is responsible for your skin color.

Uneven or excess production of this pigment results in dark patches.

Apart from this, acne leaves scars on your face that turn to dark spots.

Is Olive Oil Good for Dark Spots?

So, now how can this natural oil improve your skin complexion or lighten the appearance of dark spots on your face.

  • Essential vitamins and minerals residing in this innate ingredient have the ability to lighten the appearance of dark spots and discoloration.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by vitamin C in olive oil promotes cell regeneration and thwarts free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Vitamin A and E housed in this oil guards your skin against harmful UV rays and prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Exfoliating ability exhibited by this oil help to cleanse impurities and pollutants off the skin.
  • Hydrating property exhibited by olive oil moisturizes your face and protects it from ailments.
  • Olive oil application on the skin helps to balance oil on your face and avoid excess greasiness.
  • Vitamin C and K in it promote collagen production and elastin to make your skin firm.
  • Healing ability of these vitamins fastens the healing process and reduces the appearance of acne scars.

Assorted vitamins and minerals of olive oil have the ability to make your skin look radiant, but don’t expect overnight results with this home remedy.

How to Use Olive Oil for Dark Spots?

Wash your face and directly apply this innate oil on your skin. This is one of the easiest ways to use olive oil.

But, depending on your skin type and the reason for dark spots, you must mix other natural ingredients to make the recipe more effective.

#1 Olive Oil and Turmeric Powder

Curcumin is an active component in turmeric powder that is known to reduce excess production of melanin. Its antioxidant agents remove toxins from the body and prevent wrinkles.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder.
  • Prepare your face by washing it with water.
  • Pat dry using a clean cloth and apply the mixed face mask.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water

Note: Turmeric may leave yellow stains on your face, which may fade away in few hours.

#2 Olive Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Studies state that topical application of tea tree essential oil can lighten the scars and dark spots.

Vitamins in tea tree oil help to heal wounds, reduce inflammation and balance oil on your face.

  • Mix 3 drops of tea tree essential oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on dark spots.
  • You can evenly apply the lotion on your face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#3 Honey and Olive Oil for Dark Spots on Face

Nutritional benefits of honey are highlighted in historical books, religious scriptures, and modern scientific studies.

Healing ability, moisturizing property and rich amount of vitamin residing in honey can effectively lighten the appearance of dark spots and scars.

  • I prefer raw honey as it is packed with exceptional nutrients.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  • Stir thoroughly and apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with water after 15 minutes.

#4 Olive Oil, Chickpea Flour, and Yogurt

Chickpea flour is prominent for its cleansing properties. Anecdotal reports claim that its repeated use will make the skin radiant by removing dark or black spots.

Vitamin B5 housed in plain yogurt helps to brighten the skin and reduce dark spots. Apart from this, yogurt can tighten skin pores, promote skin whitening, thwart free radicals and prevent hyperpigmentation.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour with 2 tbsp of yogurt.
  • Also, add olive oil and 1 tsp of turmeric powder to the mask.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over pre-washed
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#5 Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

Acidic activity and vitamin C residing in lemon are known to reduce dark spots and scars. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities of this citrus fruit can restrain bacterial infection.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it on the face using a cotton
  • You can also use your clean fingers instead of the cotton
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Olive Oil and Baking Soda

Bleaching property of baking soda is helpful to lighten dark spots, brown spots or liver spots.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda with 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  • Also, mix 1 tsp of lemon juice. If you’ve sensitive skin, then don’t add lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixed paste on your face and rinse it off with water after 10 minutes.

#7 Olive Oil Steam

Apply extra virgin olive oil on your face evenly. Allow it to dry naturally for 10 minutes

Now, boil the water to a certain extent and expose your face towards the steam for 5minutes.

Use lukewarm water to remove the oil from your face.

#9 Castor Oil and Olive Oil for Black Spots on Face

Sticky nature of this folk remedy is known to remove impurities and lock moisture over the skin. Vitamins and minerals residing in it fade scars and dark spots.

  • Mix required an amount of olive oil in an equal amount of castor oil.
  • After mixing these ingredients thoroughly, apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with water after 15 minutes.

#10 Olive Oil and Vitamin E Oil

The nutritional ability of vitamin E oil is prominent and is essential for the overall functioning of your skin. Apart from making your skin radiant, this ingredient can protect the skin from various ailments.

  • Extract vitamin E oil from its capsule and mix it with olive oil.
  • Wash your face and pat dry using a clean cloth.
  • Apply the face and leave it to dry naturally for few minutes.

Olive Oil for Dark Spots on Legs

You can use recipes listed above to get rid of scars or dark patches on legs. Instead, you can also mix olive oil with glycerin.

Add 20 drops of olive oil with equal quantity of glycerin.

Wash your legs and pat dry, as you do for the face. Apply the mask evenly and allow it to dry naturally.

Wear old clothes to avoid oil stains.


  • Patch test before using it over the face.
  • Excess use of lemon juice may irritate your skin.
  • Don’t squeeze acne or pimples, as it results in dark spots.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • Stick to one recipe to see positive results.
  • Ingredients that trigger allergic reaction must be avoided.
  • Ingest vitamin rich diet and drink enough water to hydrate your skin from inside.

Did you ever try olive oil for dark spots? Share your recipe in comments.

How to Use Olive Oil for Stretch Marks During Pregnancy – 9 Ways Included

These dreadful lines are unappealing and embarrassing sometimes. Here, you’ll learn about using olive oil for stretch marks.

According to American Academy of Dermatology, 90% of women will have stretch marks after 6th or 7th month of pregnancy. (1)

Stretch marks are common and found mostly in pregnant women. Experts say that it isn’t possible to control or prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

However, repeated application of olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy can lighten the appearance of these annoying stripes without any side-effects.

In case if you experience an allergic reaction, stop using this ingredient.

Is Olive Oil Good for Stretch Marks?

Nutrients and vitamins in olive oil have enticed many beauty experts to harp the benefits of olive oil. Just like coconut oil, you can reap nutrients from olive oil for health, skin, nails and hair.

Olive oil is mentioned in The Holy Qur’an; by this, you can assume the nutritional profile of this essential oil.

  • Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants, which thwart free radicals and enhance regeneration or rebuilding of new cells.
  • Vitamin E residing in olive oil will enhance collagen production and elasticity, which will in turn help to fade scars and stretch marks.
  • The hydrating ability of olive oil helps to lock moisture on the skin.
  • Regular massage with this golden colored oil improves blood circulation.
  • Lubricants present in this home available remedy slows down skin expansion and avoids itching.
  • Assorted properties in this oil hydrate the skin and supplies required amount of oxygen that will fasten the fading process of stretch marks.

Apart from this, topically applying olive oil mask can enhance your skin texture and make you look young.

Recommend: Aloe vera gel for stretch marks

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Pregnancy, sudden weight gain or loss, and puberty are held main culprits for these annoying stripes.

Your skin expands above its pace, as a result, the dermis (middle layer of the skin) breaks at different places leaving vertical lines over the outer layer of the skin.

At the initial stages often these stripes appear red, but slowly they turn to silver-white. In rare cases, Cushing’s or Marfan syndrome can also result in similar lines. (2)

Also read: Avocado face mask for acne scars

How to Use Olive Oil for Stretch Marks?

Below mentioned are different recipes to try over the skin. Choose the one that goes well with your skin type.

#1. Olive Oil

Initially, cleanse the affected part and pat dry with a cloth, because your skin sheds millions of dead cells daily, which gets piled over the skin. You must first wipe them off to apply any natural remedy.

  • Consider pure or organic olive oil, as refined or processed olive oil has fewer nutrients.
  • Slowly massage pure olive oil over the affected area in a circulation motion to improve blood circulation.
  • The antioxidants and vitamin E, K residing in olive oil penetrates into the skin and helps to improve the elasticity of the skin and fade stretch marks or scars.

#2.Olive Oil and Turmeric Powder

Curcumin is an active ingredient in turmeric powder that thwarts free radicals, enhances functioning of the cell membrane and resists ailments.

Mixing it with olive oil make it effective to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and restrain infection.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of olive oil with ½ teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • Cleanse your skin and apply this paste evenly.
  • Gently massage in circular motion.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#3. Lemon and Olive Oil for Stretch Marks

Topical application of lemon juice helps to exfoliate dead cells. Bleaching ability of lemon juice lighten the appearance of stretch marks.

Vitamin C housed in lemon enhances collagen production and repairs the skin cells. Anti-oxidants agents thwart free radicals that damage cell membrane.

  • Mix 1teaspoon of olive oil with half lemon juice.
  • Wash your skin with water and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Now, apply the mask evenly all over the skin.
  • Rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Alternatively, mix 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil with above solution.

Excess use of lemon juice may irritate your skin. Limit its use if you’ve sensitive skin.

#4. Olive Oil and Castor Oil

Fatty acids in castor oil hydrate your skin. Assorted properties in this folk ingredient penetrate deep into the skin and promote collagen production.

  • Add 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of uncooked oatmeal.
  • Gently rub this mask evenly over prewashed skin.
  • Allow it dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#5. Olive Oil and Aloe Vera

Ingredients in aloe gel repair damaged collagen and help to maintain natural production of collagen. Aloe gel consists 2 different types of hormones that stimulate restoring of healthy skin cells.

Apart from this, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties housed in aloe vera gel improves your skin texture.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of aloe gel.
  • Wash your skin and apply this mask evenly over stretch marks.
  • Leave it to dry naturally.

#6. Coffee Grounds and Olive Oil

Ground coffee powder helps to exfoliate dead cells and impurities off the skin. When applied directly to the skin, caffeine promotes blood circulation.

Assorted nutrients in coffee ground stimulate cell regeneration. It also enhances collagen production and thwarts free radicals.

  • Mix ½ cup of coffee ground with 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Gently rub over the skin and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#7. Vinegar, Olive Oil, and Water

Experts say that acetic acid in vinegar help to exfoliate upper layer of the skin. It cleanses impurities and dead cells accumulated over the skin.

Assorted nutrients in vinegar improve blood circulation and maintain pH level of the skin.

  • Take required amount of olive oil and mix it with few drops of vinegar.
  • Dilute the solution with water and massage it over stretch marks.
  • Allow it to dry naturally.

#8. Brown Sugar and Olive Oil

It is prominent for exfoliating properties, nutrients in brown sugar help to stimulate cell growth.

Regular massaging of this mask improves blood circulation.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with ½ cup of brown sugar.
  • Optionally, add 2 vitamin E capsules to it.
  • Gently scrub affected skin with this mask for few minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#9. Coconut Oil and Olive Oil

Vitamin K and iron residing in coconut oil enhance cell regeneration. Vitamin E in this oil heals scars and mono-saturated fats housed in coconut oil makes cells stronger.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and mix it with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Massage this oil over prewashed skin.
  • Allow it to dry naturally and then rinse it off.

Recommended: Shea butter for stretch marks

Tips on Using Olive Oil for Stretch Marks During Pregnancy:

  • Stretch marks are appeared due to dermis breakage, but olive oil may not repair the dermis but it lightens the lines on an outer layer of the skin.
  • Natural remedies will not give you instant results; likewise, you can’t expect sudden fading of stretch marks after using olive oil. Add it to your beauty regimen and regularly apply this essential oil before going to bed.
  • Beauty experts recommend topically applying olive oil during pregnancy, as it improves skin’s elasticity and helps it to expand. This may limit the number of stretch marks from appearing.
  • Olive oil for stretch marks works effectively, but you can also use it to reduce other skin disorders.


How to Use Lavender Oil for Rosacea (7 DIY Methods)

Redness on cheeks, nose, swelling, large inflamed flare-ups, and spider veins are common signs of rosacea. Read this article to know how lavender oil for rosacea works.

Modern science believes that there is no permanent cure for this ailment and the person will experience red flare-ups on and off for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, few anecdotal reports claim that essential oils like eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and lavender oil can treat rosacea effectively.

Unlike acne, severe signs of rosacea can be seen in the 30s or 40s. Approximately 10 percent of the population is affected by this skin ailment.

Apart from check, nose, and forehead, redness can be spread to ears, chest, and back. Hereditary, immune system, a bug infection in the intestine or a protein triggers this ailment. (1)

Jump to: How to Use

Why is Lavender Oil good for Rosacea?

Chronic skin ailments like acne, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea can’t be cured completely. Along with these natural remedies or steroid creams, you must change your lifestyle to avoid substances that may trigger these ailments.

Lavender oil is renowned for its aromatic and calming effect. Anti-inflammatory ability of this essential oil can help you to reduce the symptoms of adult acne.

Native to Mediterranean region, lavender essential oil is extensively used in perfumes, medicine, and food. Extracted from flowers and leaves of lavender plant, it can improve your overall health.

  • Apart from its anti-inflammatory activity that reduces inflamed flare-ups, antiseptic and healing ability exhibited by this oil can help to get rid of scaly patches.
  • Unlike cosmetic creams, lavender oil penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin to enhance its functioning.
  • Its calming ability helps to reduce stress, which is one of the main triggers of rosacea.
  • Itching, burning sensation, dry scaly skin and acne-like breakouts can be reduced by its moisturizing ability.
  • Redness over cheeks, nose, and forehead can also be reduced by regular application of lavender essential oil.
  • The assorted nutritional ability of essential oils is capable of balancing hormones and can efficiently manage root causes of rosacea.

Why shouldn’t I go with media promoted cosmetic creams?

I personally used these steroid creams to treat skin infection and they worked. But regular application of these creams made my skin sensitive and itching triggered within few weeks.

On the other side, natural remedies may not show you instant results. But, they fight with the root cause of the ailment and make sure your skin is smooth and supple.

Even dermatologists warn from repeated use of chemical filled creams. (2)

However, few cosmetic manufacturers already started incorporating natural extracts to their products. You can use them after consulting with your physician.

How to Use Lavender Oil for Rosacea?

lavender oil for rosacea

High concentration of essential oil may irritate your sensitive skin. Beauty experts recommend blending water or carrier oil with an essential oil before topical application.

Anyway, for active rosacea flare-ups, you can use lavender essential oil as a spot treatment without diluting.

To make sure, your skin isn’t allergic to lavender oil, patch test before applying it to the face.

#1 Lavender Oil and Olive Oil

Bothe oils are renowned for their healing and moisturizing abilities. Wash your face with water to cleanse impurities and dead cells piled over the skin.

  • Blend 14 drops of lavender essential oil with ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil.
  • Evenly massage the mixed oil over prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • This face mask will reduce inflammation and nourish your skin.

#2 Distilled Water and Lavender Oil

As mentioned high concentration of lavender oil may irritate your skin. So, it’s best to dilute the lavender oil with the required amount of distilled water.

Patch test on small part of the skin to make sure you aren’t allergic to its ingredients.

#3 Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil to Treat Rosacea

This home available oil can be mixed with lavender essential oil to dilute it.

  • Wash rosacea-affected skin with water and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Mix 3 drops of lavender oil with the required amount of coconut oil and apply it over the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally.

Apply the oil before going to bed.

#4 Hot Water and Lavender Oil (Facial Steam)

Facial steams are great for your skin. I try this home remedy twice or thrice in a week.

My skin feels great and all impurities get cleansed.

  • Boil water in a bowl till you see steam.
  • Drop 2-3 drops of lavender oil in the hot water and hold your face over the steam.
  • If you’re trying this for the first time, then take regular intervals by moving off the steam.
  • Make sure you don’t burn your skin with hot water.

#5 Honey and Lavender Oil for Rosacea

To pamper your skin, blend raw honey with lavender oil. Healing, antibacterial and moisturizing benefits of honey are well known. Like lavender oil, you can just massage raw honey to treat rosacea.

But, to make it more effective you can blend these both ingredients.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of raw honey with 3 drops of lavender oil.
  • Also, add 1 drop of tea tree oil for extra boost.
  • Stir well and apply the mask over prewashed face. (3)

#6 Witch Hazel and Lavender Oil (Oily Skin)

This refreshing facial mist will help you to treat chronic skin ailments and remove excess oil from your face.

To make this, blend 1 cup of distilled water with 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and 5 drops of lavender oil. Pour all ingredients into the spray bottle and spray on your face regularly after shaking well. (4)

#7 Jojoba Oil and Lavender Oil

Jojoba oil resembles your skin’s natural oil sebum. This liquid wax can trick your skin to produce less sebum and reduce oiliness.

To make your rosacea treatment effective, blend 1 ounce of jojoba oil with 10 drops of lavender oil. (5)

Note: All DIY remedies listed above may or may not work for all. Patch test and go with the one which is best for your skin type.

To reap all nutritional benefits of lavender oil, you can apply it directly as mentioned above, as a room spritzer and expose your face to steam mixed with lavender oil.

Important Tips

  • Don’t expect overnight results, instant results are often temporary.
  • Along with regular application of this innate ingredient, change your lifestyle.
  • Avoid foods that can trigger the rosacea, which include liver, chocolate, avocados, spinach, spicy food, and yogurt. (Source)
  • Stay away from chemical filled creams; even they can trigger the ailment.
  • Consult a doctor if the problem persists.

Did you ever use lavender oil for rosacea? Share your views in comments.

How to Use Olive Oil for Melasma

We’re humans and we desire to have clear natural looking skin. In this article you’ll know how to use olive oil for melasma to recover glowing skin.

Dark or brown patches interfering your skin color on cheeks, nose, forehead and upper lip can be Melasma. Genetics, hormonal imbalance, cosmetics and UV rays are held responsible to trigger these brown patches.

These factors stimulate melanin growth resulting in dark spots.

Women are prone to get this skin disorder, while only 10% of people with melasma are men.

According to American Academy of Dermatology, these grey-brown patches fade naturally with time, if they are triggered due to pregnancy or birth controlled pills. Else you must use hydroquinone cream to fade them.

However, as cosmetic creams include chemical preservatives, people often prefer natural remedies.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Melasma

Since centuries extra virgin olive oil has been used for beauty. Cleopatra, who is prominent for her beauty used this oil.

Fatty acids, vitamin E, A and antioxidant activity of this innate ingredient can wipe impurities, dead cells and bring back the lost moisture.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties housed in this home remedy helps to maintain pH of the skin.
  • It also helps to decrease melanin production, thus reduce melasma.
  • Vitamin A and E residing in olive oil hydrates the skin with essential elements.
  • Assorted vitamins packed in this natural remedy can effectively fade wrinkles, tighten skin pores, reduce dark spots and treat chronic ailments.

How to Use Olive Oil to Treat Melasma?


Please don’t expect overnight results.

There are few creams that claim to give results within hours; however in the long run they harm your sensitive skin.

Natural remedies like olive oil, castor oil and grape seed oil aren’t associated with any side-effects.

Check how to use olive oil on the skin.

  1. Wash the face or skin with water to cleanse the impurities.
  2. You can use rose water to remove dead cells and pollutants.
  3. Take few drops of extra virgin olive oil in your palm and gently massage over melasma spots.
  4. Leave it to dry naturally.

Night is the best time to apply this wonderful oil.

Remove the oil from face by exposing the skin to steam and wipe using a clean cloth.

Lemon, honey and olive oil mixture is great for glowing skin.

Blend all ingredients in required quantity and apply it over face. Limit the use of lemon juice if you’ve dry or sensitive skin.

You can blend other natural remedies with olive oil for melasma. Share your favorite recipe in comments.

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