How to Use Black Seed Oil for Eczema? 5 DIY Recipes (No.#3 is Awesome)

black seed oil for eczema

There are a bunch of natural remedies that are ignored by modern science. Prominent for vitamins, amino acids, oils and minerals, black seed oil for eczema is an effective home remedy.

You may wonder what this Nigella Sativia seed can do to combat chronic skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis.

Benefits of black seeds are praised by The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as that it can treat all ailments except death.

Apart from this, many researchers and studies are carried to show its amazing uses for ailments like cancer, diabetic, migraine and asthma-related issues. (1)

However, in this article, you’ll learn about its ability to treat contact dermatitis.

Before that let’s discuss eczema.

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What Triggers Eczema?

According to NIAID reports approximately 30 percent of U.S. population is affected by this skin ailment.

Dry itchy skin, inflammation, and oozing flare-ups are common signs of eczema.

Though main cause of this chronic ailment is unknown, researchers hold genetics, foods and immune system to trigger the flare-ups.

Unfortunately, currently, there is no permanent treatment for eczema. However, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid creams, and ointments can be used to reduce its symptoms. (2)

As most of these creams include chemical ingredients, they may irritate your sensitive skin. Natural remedies like black seed for eczema aren’t associated with any serious side-effects.

So, you can give it a try.

Is Black Seed Oil Good for Eczema?

This herbal oil is obtained by black seeds of Nigella Sativa plant. To reap its nutrients, you can either ingest or topically apply its oil over the skin.

It is known as kalonji seeds or black cumin seeds in India, other names include Nigella cretica oil, Black caraway oil, Fennel flower oil, Black sesame oil and Roman coriander oil.

  • Vitamin A components residing in black seed oil known to reduce excess cellular growth and also thwart bacterial infection.
  • Fat soluble vitamins in this innate ingredient repair damaged cell membranes and restore the skin barrier.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by black cumin seeds helps to improve skin texture and reverse eczema flare-ups. (3)
  • Anti-inflammatory ability of black seed oil can reduce inflammation by blocking pro-inflammatory (4)
  • According to University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin C can reduce eczema symptoms. It can also enhance collagen production to improve skin texture.
  • Thymoquinone is an active ingredient in black seed oil known to exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Thymol, another active ingredient has an antimicrobial ability that can thwart bacterial infection. (5)
  • Black seed oil includes omega-3, omega-6, and omega – 9 fatty acids, which can help to improve eczema condition. (Source)
  • Vitamin A, C, E and fatty acids residing in this natural ingredient help to lighten the appearance of eczema scars and moisturize your dry skin.

Apart from treating eczema, black seed oil help in skin nourishment, unclog skin pores, get rid of itchy patches and reduce aging signs.

How to Use Black Seed Oil for Eczema?

Nearly 600 studies back the amazing nutritional benefits of black cumin seed oil. But, how can you reap all these nutrients?

As mentioned above, you can either ingest its seed with honey or massage gently over eczema affected skin. Both ways will benefit your skin.

Any way to get rid of dry itchy patches and eczema inflammation, experts recommends topical application.

You can try both recipes for a healthy lifestyle.

#1 Black Seed Oil for Topical Application

Initially, wash eczema affected area with water to cleanse dry patches over the skin.

Take pure black seed oil from a local store and apply when the skin is still damp.

Optionally wrap the skin with plastic paper to avoid impurities from accumulating over the skin.

Preferred time to apply this innate ingredient is before going to bed, so that it can easily penetrate into deeper layers.

black seed for eczema

#2 Black Cumin Seeds and Raw Honey (Internal consumption)

Benefits of both remedies are included in religious books like The Qur’an and Bible.

Mix 1 teaspoon of black seeds with 1 teaspoon of raw honey thoroughly. Take this innate ingredient before breakfast. You can also slightly heat black cumin seeds before mixing it with honey.

#3 Black Seeds and Honey Mask

If you want to get benefited by these ingredients, it’s recommended to apply it over the skin.

Ground black seeds and mix it with raw honey. Wash your face and apply the mask evenly all over the skin.

#4 Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Seed Oil for Eczema

Vitamins, minerals, and bioflavonoids housed in ACV exhibit antioxidant activity. These ingredients help to treat eczema effectively.

Take required amount of black seeds and mix it with ACV solution. Dilute with distilled water to avoid irritation.

Now apply this mask over the skin and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#5 Lemon Juice and Black Seed Oil

Lemon juice is packed with antibacterial, anti-fungal and bleaching ability. These properties effectively reduce skin ailments like eczema and acne. (6)

However, excess use of lemon juice can irritate your skin. So, dilute it with black seed oil.

Add few drops of lemon juice in black seed oil and apply it over eczema affected skin.

Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Important Tips for Using Black Seed Oil for Eczema

  • Many studies back this innate ingredient; however, there are few women who complained about irritation. So, patch test before using it on the skin.
  • Avoid ingredients that may trigger an allergic reaction on your skin.
  • Don’t expect overnight results, add this innate ingredient to your beauty regimen and it will gradually show a positive
  • Cosmetic products and steroid creams that include harmful chemical preservatives must be avoided.
  • Consult your physician before taking black seed oil if you’re pregnant.
  • A study shows that food triggers eczema flare-ups, so you must avoid them. Some of them are peanuts, milk, soy, wheat and fish.
  • Avoid hot water, as it may trigger itching.
  • Excess sweat and long exposure to sun rays may trigger this skin ailment.
  • Wear loose clothes and avoid polyester, rayon and nylon clothing.

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