Benefits of Cinnamon for Pimples/Acne

Pimples/Acne breakouts occur due to inflammation and excess production of sebum. Increasing levels of hormones in teenagers stimulate over production of oil by sebaceous gland, because it is sensitive to hormonal reaction.

Apart from hormonal imbalance, other factors like hereditary, chemical filled cosmetics, drugs and smoking can cause pimples.

Acne is the most common skin disorder; to help you many cosmetic industries came out with pricey and effective creams. Yes, they work. But, when you can treat acne using your own kitchen remedies, why waste money? Instead spend it over the needy.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Treating Acne

cinnamon for pimples-acne

Cinnamon for pimples is an affordable and effective home remedy, which most of us ignore. This spice is derived from the inner barks of Cinnamomum tree. Before using it for culinary purpose, barks are dried to form cinnamon sticks, which are powdered to spice curries in India.

  • Antioxidants protect your health from free radicals, preserve food, aids in treating metabolic diseases and age related problems. Luckily, cinnamon is packed with antioxidant agents, which can enhance healthy functioning of your health. (source)
  • As mentioned above inflammation is the main culprit behind pimples, anti-inflammatory property residing in cinnamon can help you to reduce acne inflammation when you apply it over the skin.
  • P.acnes, the bacteria which worsen the acne lesions can be restrained using antibacterial effect of cinnamon powder.
  • Its assorted properties will help you to treat acne lesions and fade acne scars.

Unlike chemical filled creams, natural remedies like honey, turmeric, lime and cinnamon take 2-3 weeks to completely treat acne blemishes, but they thwart the bacteria from its root. You can add other innate ingredients to cinnamon powder to make it easy to apply.

1. Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask

Cinnamon is mainly of two types, Ceylon cinnamon (also known as true cinnamon) and Cassia cinnamon (which we normally use). Experts recommend selecting Ceylon cinnamon, as it is lower in coumarin, a compound that may be harmful when used in large dose.

Coming to honey, all over the web and ancient books are filed with extolling benefits of this natural remedy. I love honey for its sweet taste, ancient people used honey to treat health and skin disorders.

Ingredients: Take 1 tbsp of cinnamon powder and 3 tbsp of raw honey.

I personally recommend manuka honey for acne, as it has more nutritional properties when compared to other types of honey. Anyway, mix the listed ingredients in a clean bowl. Prior to face mask application, wash acne lesion with lukewarm water or expose it to steam and pat dry. Then apply cinnamon face mask evenly all over the face, you can also use it as a spot treatment for blemishes.

Also read: Honey and cinnamon face mask

2. Cinnamon and Milk

milk and honey for face

Though in some cases consuming milk and dairy products may trigger acne blemishes, topically using it over the acne lesions can help your reduce inflammation.

Mix equal quantities of raw milk and cinnamon powder in a bowl, then apply it over prewashed face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

3. Lemon Juice and Cinnamon for Acne

This mask will lighten acne scars and help to treat hyperpigmentation. Squeeze few drops of lemon juice in 1 table spoon of cinnamon powder and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Limit the use of lemon if you’ve sensitive skin.

Important Note:

As mentioned above, excess Cassia cinnamon may include harmful compounds. If you see any allergic symptoms, then immediately consult your physician. Pregnant women need to discuss with doctor before using cinnamon.

Image source

Benefits of Bentonite Clay for Skin, Acne and Psoriasis

Skin being the largest organ of the body protects you from UV rays, dirt and infectious bacteria. Due to internal or external elements the skin loses natural moisture and the ability to guard your body. Now, it’s your turn to pay back, topically applying natural ingredients will nourish and hydrates the skin.

Bentonite clay for skin is one such innate remedy extracted from Mother Nature. Also known as Montmorillonite, bentonite clay is composed of ashes from volcanoes. Its renowned healing properties enhance healing and detoxify the body.

This clay got the name from Fort Benton (Wyoming), a place with numerous volcanoes. Today this healing clay is harvested in France, US and Italy. Bentonite clay has significant importance in history because of its healing power. Traditionally, people in Central Africa, Australia and Andes consumed this clay to kill toxins and free radicals.

How Bentonite Clay for Skin Works?

bentonite clay for skin

Benefits of bentonite clay is not confined to skin, as mentioned above historians used it internally to cure various diseases. These assorted properties allured industries to incorporate this clay into daily used products. Anyhow, here we’ll be discussing about its benefits for skin and how it can treat acne and other chronic skin diseases.

Naturally, bentonite clay is packed with unmatched properties, when the clay comes in contact with water or fluid, a type of electrical charge is produced that binds toxins and thwarts them out. Also study shows that bentonite clay itself packed with assorted nutrients like copper, silica, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, which is absorbed by your body.

A study quotes that, clays have antibacterial properties that may restrain bacteria.

In other words, bentonite clay is negatively charged and toxins are positively charged, when they come in contact exceptional properties in bentonite clay binds toxins and help to remove it. Likewise it effectively removes dirt, impurities and heavy metals from skin, mouth and the body.

Bentonite Clay for Skin

Your skin is most exposed part of your body, and increasing levels of pollution, dirt and impurities gives a favorable environment for the bad bacteria to invade and provoke infection. Cleansing impurities and toxins from the skin will help it to breathe well and restrain infectious virus.

For this, mix bentonite clay with water and apply it over prewashed face or skin. Let the mask dry naturally and then rinse it off. Along with the mask, properties in bentonite clay will remove impurities from the skin.

Apart from this, antibacterial and other renowned properties in bentonite clay enhances fast healing, treats allergic reactions and reduces inflammation.

For serious injuries, place solid bentonite clay mask over cuts/burns and wrap it with wet cloth. Repeat the process at regular intervals to stimulate fast healing.

For different bentonite clay mask recipes, click here.

Related post: Kaolin Clay for Skin

Bentonite Clay for Acne

bentonite clay for acne

Sebum is the natural oil secreted by the skin to keep itself moist. Internal factors like hormonal imbalance and external factors influence excess oil production, which blocks skin pores along with dead cells. Bacteria invade and feed on the dead cells aggravating acne lesion.

Highly absorbent and exfoliating quality of bentonite clay reduces acne blemishes and tightens skin pores. As mentioned above, the electrical charge created after mixing with water binds toxins and impurities that will be flushed once you rinse it off.

Bentonite clay recipe for acne:

Most common method is to mix required amount of bentonite clay powder with water and then apply it with fingers over initially washed face. Leave it for 15 minutes, so the unmatched properties in the clay start affecting. Rinse it off and pat dry.

Experts say that, using bentonite clay you can measure the amount of sebum secreted by your skin. The process involves 2-3 applications of the clay mask and it must be carried out in a well equipped lab.

Note: This clay mask may make your skin dry, so it’s recommended limiting its use if you’ve dry skin or follow with a natural moisturizer after face mask treatment.

Related post: Multani mitti for oily skin

Bentonite Clay for Psoriasis and Eczema

Studies conclude that bentonite clay for skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema is completely safe and is hypoallergenic. Though the exact cause of psoriasis and eczema are unknown, scientist say hereditary and weak immune system may trigger chronic diseases. Unfortunately, there is no permanent treatment for these skin disorders.

Anyhow, using bentonite clay for psoriasis you can reduce the symptoms. The negatively charged elements in the clay attract positively charged bacteria, virus and toxins causing infection. Regular use will cleanse impurities and infectious bacteria.

Mix it with water and apply it over affected parts. Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off. Don’t forget to apply jojoba oil to moisturize the skin.

Related post: Seaweed for Eczema

Bentonite Clay for Hyperpigmentation

bentonite clay face mask

Your body has a pigment known as melanin, which is responsible for your skin’s color. Excess exposure to UV rays or other factors like antibiotics increases melanin production leading to dark skin or hyperpigmentation.

Apart from topically applying this face mask you must stay away from UV rays or wear hat and cover the body with cloth. Bentonite clay for hyperpigmentation works effectively as it draws out all toxins and impurities from the body due to its electrical charge.

Add this natural ingredient to your beauty regimen.

Bentonite Clay for Wrinkles

In most cases, wrinkles appear when your skin loses its elasticity and impurities settled on it. A natural remedy like bentonite clay will not only flush impurities but minerals housed in this clay will stimulate healing and nourish the skin. And when the skin is free from radicals and bacteria, it functions well and enhances elasticity.

You can use apple cider vinegar instead of water while mixing bentonite clay for wrinkles. Sensitive skin people should use water.

Also read: Coconut oil for under eye wrinkles


Benefits of bentonite clay for skin are enormous and safe to use. If the clay makes your skin dry, apply moisturizer evenly when the skin is still damp. Chronic skin disorders like acne, psoriasis, eczema, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles can be treated using this healing clay.

Image source: 1, 2

How to Use Turmeric for Acne and Acne Scars

Are you also one among the acne affected victims? This may really embarrass you when you have to go to a party or gathering isn’t it? Finding a best remedy is always better to avoid such demeaning situations. It is common that most people suffer some degree of acne at any point of their lives, especially during teenage and adult stages. This condition proves to be a serious restraint in personal and social life.

Rather than spending on expensive OTC products that cause many risks, it is good that you choose home remedies for effective acne removal. One proposed herbal solution is turmeric, which treats acne and acne scars effectively. Perhaps, you may have heard or read on the positive reviews from other acne prone people.

In this post, we will just go around the fact on how effective is turmeric for acne and acne scars and the various face mask recipes that can help.

Benefits of Turmeric for Acne

turmeric for acne

Acne is caused by bacteria that inhabit underneath the skin. The disadvantage of using over the counter medications (antibiotics) is that though they reduce bacteria, the bacteria tend to adapt to the antibiotics. This reduces the effectiveness and paves the chance for the acne to recur.

One major advantage of turmeric is it does not hold any antibiotic properties. It is an anti-inflammatory that prevents the bacteria from causing acne and blemishes. It also possesses antioxidant properties beneficial in treating skin conditions, especially acne, psoriasis and eczema.

Eating turmeric root is not the necessary way to treat acne. It should rather be made into some paste or mask. Let us know the different recipes using turmeric as a main ingredient.

Turmeric Face Mask Recipes for Acne and Acne Scars:

1. Basic turmeric face mask recipe to treat acne

The combination of honey and turmeric can work wonders on any ailments, primarily skin conditions.

Required Ingredients:

  • Turmeric powder – 4 tbsp
  • Milk – 1 tbsp
  • Raw honey – 4 tbsp

Alternative Set of Ingredients:

  • Turmeric powder – 8 tbsp
  • Olive oil / Sesame oil – 5 tbsp

How to Use:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a clean bowl to make a smooth paste. Store the mix in the refrigerator to cool.
  2. Now take a hot shower bath for a long time for the skin to turn soft. Use mild bath soap and do not use medicated soaps as they dry out the skin.
  3. While remaining in the shower itself, dip a washcloth in the hot water and place the cloth directly on the acne affected areas for about 5 minutes.
  4. By doing the above, the pus is brought to the surface of acne. Then pat dry your skin.
  5. Now apply the turmeric paste gently using your fingers to the acne affected area.
  6. Massage the area for about 10 minutes and leave it overnight.
  7. The mask dries up reducing the size of the acne. Wash off the face the following morning.
  8. Turmeric leaves a yellow tinge on the skin that can be cleared off with a mild facial toner.

2. Turmeric and Yogurt Recipe

Yogurt is an excellent exfoliator due to its rich lactic acid content.

Required Ingredients:

  • Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
  • Yogurt – 2 tsp
  • Honey – little

How to Use:

  1. Stir all the ingredients to make a mask.
  2. Apply the mask on the acne affected area and leave for about half an hour.
  3. Wash off the area gently.

3. Turmeric and Oatmeal Recipe

Oatmeal is also a great exfoliating agent. It helps to remove excess oil and dead cells accumulated over the skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
  • Oatmeal flour – 1 tbsp
  • Lentil powder – 1 tbsp

How to Use:

  1. Mix all the above ingredients in fresh water to make a fine paste.
  2. Apply on the affected skin and leave for about 15 – 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off the area gently and pat dry using a soft cloth.

4. Sandalwood Powder and Turmeric for Acne Scars

This is an effective mask for acne prone skin. It also controls oil secretion that leads to acne. Repeated application can fade acne scars.

Required Ingredients:

  • Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
  • Sandalwood powder – ½ tsp
  • Curd – as required

How to Use:

  1. Mix both the powders by adding a sufficient amount of curd to form a fine paste.
  2. Apply the paste on the acne prone area and leave for about 15 – 20 minutes.
  3. Now wash off the area with warm water followed by cold water.
  4. Pat your skin dry and apply a mild moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

Also read: Sandalwood oil for acne

Whatever is the mask you apply to get rid of acne and acne scars, you should always clean the affected area prior to the application. Or you can take a hot shower bath for the clogged pores to open up. After applying the mask, you can relax by placing cool chamomile tea bags or rose water dipped cotton pads or cucumber slices over the eyes. This gives a wonderful relaxed feeling.

Are there any side effects of turmeric on the skin?

Topical application of turmeric on the skin does not show any side effects, whereas turmeric supplements or capsules may cause a few side effects. Some people may develop a rash that is too rare. The other side effect is turmeric can give a yellowish tinge to the skin. To remove this, clean off the skin with cotton dipped in facial toner.

Have you ever used any of these turmeric masks? Hope many of you might have tried. These simple masks can clear the acne and believe you can enjoy your own natural spa at home. Always make sure to do a patch test before you use the mask. Also use pure turmeric for best results.

Here is it! Do not forget to share your experiences of using turmeric for acne and acne scars. If you have got any more ways that helped you perfectly in fading away acne scars, do mention them in the below comment section.

Turmeric Face Mask for Acne and Acne Scars

turmeric face mask for acne and acne scars

Turmeric for acne is a miraculous remedy. Indians use this golden spice as a medical herb and in almost every food. Because of its antiseptic and antibiotic properties we use it as a first aid for minor injuries. In marriage ceremonies turmeric face mask for acne scars is used as a ritual. It’s less in calories, cholesterol and rich in fiber, iron and vitamin B6.

Enticed properties of turmeric powder made scientific experts to carry out research, which concluded that turmeric has a compound called curcumin that is responsible for all the exceptional qualities of this yellow powder. However, percent of curcumin in turmeric powder is very less, around 3%.  So experts suggest, taking extract that contains compelling amount of curcumin. (1)

Why Turmeric Face Mask for Acne and Acne Scars Works?

“Stop extolling and show me how or why it works for pimples?”

OK, let me put this in bullets so you can easily scan its properties. 🙂

Before that allow me to reveal the main cause of acne, it’s untrue that P.acnes are mere cause of acne blemishes. According to experts, inflammation is the main cause of acne and quotes that, hormonal imbalance causes acne vulgaris. (source)

  • As mentioned above research conclude, curcumin is the main compound in turmeric that is responsible for exceptional qualities of the powder.
  • Curcumin has strong anti-inflammatory effect, just like a drug. Anti-inflammation reduces red swollen pimples. Studies show that curcumin fights inflammation at molecular level. (2)
  • It’s also a strong antioxidant agent, which thwarts free radicals and also boosts antioxidant levels in the body.
  • Antiseptic and antibiotic properties make it a natural remedy for minor injuries and scars.

How to Use Turmeric Face Mask for Acne?

Now you’ve an idea about the ability of this golden yellow spice, you must follow suggested tips else you may end up with surprising yellow stains.

1. Turmeric and Honey for Acne

turmeric and honey for acne

Benefits of turmeric and honey are documented in historical and religious books. Like turmeric, raw honey is packed with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Topically applying honey or honey face mask will fasten healing process.

If you’re serious about our skin, then we recommend you manuka honey for acne (expensive).

Things you’ll need

  • Raw honey – 3 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1 tbsp
  • Milk – 1 tbsp


Thoroughly mix the ingredients in a bowl. Before applying, prepare your face by cleansing it with warm water or expose it to steam, so that pores open up and pat dry after this.

Take mixed paste and apply evenly all over the face. You can mix gram flour if the face pack is not thick. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wipe it off with warm cloth, then rinse with water. Follow with moisturizer. Don’t be alarmed if you see stains on face, it will fade in few hours. Likewise, to remove acne scars you must repeatedly use this face mask.

[Also read: 5 Proven Reasons Why Lemon and Honey for Pimples Works]

2. Sandalwood powder and Turmeric Face Mask for Acne Scars

sandalwood powder and multani mitti for acne scars

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents housed in sandalwood powder make it an excellent remedy for acne scars, pimples, wrinkles and zits.

Things you’ll need


Mix sandalwood powder and turmeric powder in a bowl and add curd or milk to make a smooth paste. After washing your face evenly massage, especially on acne scars. Rinse it off or wipe it with warm cloth.

Repeat the process twice weekly. Follow moisturizer post application.

3. Turmeric and Yogurt Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

yogurt yeast infection

Not all skin types are same. Treatment for dry skin differs from oily skin. If you’ve oily skin then use yogurt with turmeric. It will also decrease chances of stains on your face.

Things you’ll need

  • Turmeric – 1 tbsp
  • Greek Yogurt – 1 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tbsp

Process is same like mentioned above. If you’ve dry skin, then replace yogurt with olive oil or other essential oil.

Note: Never use pure turmeric and water, though it makes your skin healthy, as it leaves stains over your face. Mix it with other natural ingredients listed above.

Turmeric face mask for acne scars is cost effective home remedy, did you ever used it?

Turmeric Face Pack for Glowing Skin

turmeric and honey face pack for glowing skin

Asians have been using turmeric for face from centuries. It has got some special importance in marriage ceremonies. Renowned for its exceptional anti-inflammatory properties, as an India first thing strikes me when I get injured is turmeric powder.

Women, here in India are known to use turmeric face pack/mask for glowing skin. Mostly Hindus use it as a ritual. Now after scientific research, it has been proved that out grannies who were extolling benefits of turmeric face mask aren’t telling tails.

[Jump to: Face Mask Recipes]

Benefits of Turmeric Face Mask (Nutritional Profile)

From hundreds of years Indians used turmeric as a spice and medical herb. Anyhow, westerns aren’t aware of its benefits.

  • Research concludes that turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin, which has strong anti-inflammatory effect and is antioxidant agent.
  • Acne or pimples are mainly caused due to inflammation. (1) Anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric face pack help to reduce pimples and also fade acne scars. Anti-inflammatory affect of curcumin is as strong as drugs.
  • Antioxidant agents in this powder, not only thwarts free radicals but increases or boosts antioxidant capability of your body. (You can swallow it, like Thandie Newton)
  • Assorted properties in turmeric powder removes dark spots and treats hyperpigmentation.
  • As mentioned, historically it has been used to treat minor cuts and injuries because of its antiseptic and antibiotic properties. (2)

DIY Turmeric Face Mask Recipes

Powder raw turmeric (or get turmeric powder) and pour rosewater to it. After mixing it thoroughly topically apply over the face, avoid eye area. Then wipe it off with warm cloth. Anyhow, you can try adding different natural remedies to it.

1. Turmeric with Honey for Face

turmeric and honey face mask

Things you’ll need

  • Turmeric powder -1 tbsp
  • Raw honey – 1 tbsp
  • Milk – 1 tbsp

Mix all ingredients in required quantity. Milk is used to make the paste; you can add flour to make it thick, in case if you poured excess milk.

Prepare your face

  • Turmeric stains, so wear loose clothes or T-shirt that you’re not too attached to. Wash your face or cleanse it, remove the make-up.
  • Also band your hair and pat dry your face with soft cloth.

Turmeric face mask application

  • Apply the face mask evenly over face, avoid eye area but if you’ve dark circles, then apply it under eyes.
  • Leave it for about 15-20 minutes, so curcumin start affecting your face.
  • When the face pack is dry, wipe it off using unused warm cloth.
  • Don’t worry if you see stain over face, it fades in few hours.
  • After face mask application, topically apply any natural moisturizer.

Also read: Honey and Lemon Face Mask

2. Neem and Turmeric Face Pack

neem and turmeric face pack

Neem is a tree and its bark, leaves and seeds are used to make medicine. (3) Regularly using neem water over acne blemishes will treat them and also fade scars. Properties in neem help to treat hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, dark circles and psoriasis.

Things you’ll need

  • Neem leaves paste – 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder -1 tbsp
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Sandalwood powder -1 tbsp (for acne scars)
  • Neem water


Initially mix sandalwood powder and turmeric powder in a bowl. Then add neem paste and honey. To make smooth paste, you can add neem water. Apply it on prewashed face and wipe it with warm cloth after 15-20 minutes.

3. Turmeric and Sandalwood Face Pack for Acne Scars

Assorted properties like antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and healing agents are housed in sandalwood powder. It’s claimed to treat acne and fade acne scars.

Things you’ll need

  • Sandalwood powder – 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder – 3 pinches
  • Milk – 1-2 tbsp


Just like above mentioned turmeric face masks, mix all ingredients and apply it over prewashed face. Apply it when the skin is still damp. Rinse it off with water or wipe it with cloth, then apply moisturizing cream.

4. Turmeric and Milk

Things you’ll need

  • Milk powder – 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1 tbsp
  • Rose water – required amount
  • Yogurt or oats – 2 tbsp


Mix oats with milk powder in a bowl, then add turmeric powder. Pour rosewater in required amount. After mixing it thoroughly topically apply over face. Alternatively, you can add sandalwood powder. Rinse it off after 15 minutes. If you’ve dry skin, then use jojoba oil post application.

5. Turmeric and Olive oil Mask for Skin Whitening

turmeric and olive oil face pack

Things you’ll need

  • Turmeric powder – 1 tbsp
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • Flour – 2 tbsp


  • If you’ve oily skin then replace olive oil with yogurt.
  • Mix listed ingredients in required amount and apply the face mask topically over cleansed face.
  • Leave it for about 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with water.
  • After washing, when the skin is still damp apply moisturizer.

6. Turmeric Face Pack for Fairness

Things you’ll need

  • Turmeric powder – 1/4 tbsp
  • Gram flour – 4 tbsp
  • Milk


Gram flour or besan is used to remove oiliness and to fight dark spots. Here in this face pack it’s used for skin lightening. Take gram flour and mix it with turmeric powder in a bowl. To make sticky thick paste, add milk. When you obtained fine paste apply it over your face.

Rinse it off after 15 minutes. Regular application is recommended to obtain fairness.

7. Turmeric and Yogurt

Known as a delicious and healthy food, yogurt can be added to your skin care regimen. Renowned for its moisturizing agents, yogurt can effectively hydrate and refrain itching. Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties residing in yogurt will help you thwart infectious bacteria like P.acnes.

Add some olive oil to yogurt and it turns out into an anti-aging face mask. Apart from enhancing healthy skin, yogurt can be used to fasten the healing of minor burns.

Along with turmeric, which is packed with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, yogurt face mask/pack will effectively treat acne; fade wrinkles and helps in skin whitening.

  • Take 1/2 tbsp of turmeric powder in a clean bowl and add 2-3 tbsp of yogurt.
  • Mix the ingredients well using spoon.
  • Before applying this mask wash your face and pat dry.
  • Now, topically apply the mixed turmeric and yogurt face mask over the face.
  • After 15 minutes rinse it off.

Also read: Turmeric for Stretch Marks

Bonus: Manuka Honey and Turmeric Face Mask for Acne and Acne Scars

Unlike normal honey, manuka honey is packed with exceptional properties. Yes it’s expensive compared to other types of honey, but you’ll get for what you paid. Well known for treat acne and acne scars.

Things you’ll need

  • Turmeric powder – 1/4 tbsp
  • Manuka honey – 1 tbsp


You’re free to add other innate ingredients to this face mask. Mix it thoroughly and keep aside. Now, prepare your face by cleansing it with warm water or exposure to steam and pat dry with soft cloth. Then evenly apply manuka honey and turmeric face pack over skin. Don’t press pimples, smoothly massage over the skin.

Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash it off. If you see stains over face, take warm cloth and remove stains. Follow with moisturizer.

As you can see there are various combinations you can use in turmeric face pack/mask. Share your favorite ingredients in comments. 

Multani Mitti Face Pack for Oily Skin, Acne and Scars

multani mitti face pack for acne and oily skin

Also known as Fuller’s earth, multani mitti is most prominent home available remedy for glowing skin in India and Pakistan. Though westerners hardly knew about it, multani mitti face pack has abundant benefits for skin. Few cosmetic industries incorporated this natural clay into face creams.

You can replace it with your cleanser and skin toner. Multani mitti face pack for acne and oily skin is an exceptional remedy because of its innate properties that unclog pores and controls excess sebum production.

Acne or pimples trigger because of hormonal imbalance. Sometimes it’s accompanied by red, swollen and inflamed blemishes. Squeezing or bursting them will not help you. Internally you need to control oil production and external bacterial infection must be confined.

Magnesium chloride in Fuller’s earth can reduce excess oil production and anti-bacterial properties thwarts acne causing bacteria.

Different Recipes of Multani Mitti Face Pack/Mask for Oily Skin and Acne

To reap benefits from this herbal remedy, mix it with other innate ingredients like neem leaves, sandal wood or Orange peels. However we’re going to share recipes below.

1. Neem Leaves and Multani Mitti Face Pack for Oily Skin

neem leaves and multani mitti for oily skin

Like multani mitti, neem leaves are packed with nutrients, in India its well known for its antibacterial properties.

Things you’ll need

  • Multani mitti clay – 1 tbsp
  • Neem powder – 1 tbsp
  • Rose water


  • In a bowl mix all the above ingredients. You can replace rose water with distilled water. When you’re done with mixing, wash your face prior to application of face pack.
  • Then with the help of your partner or yourself apply paste over face.
  • After 15 minutes rinse it off with water.

Regular application can fade acne scars.

2. Sandalwood and Multani Mitti Face Pack for Acne Scars

sandalwood powder and multani mitti for acne scars

Sandalwood powder has antimicrobial and anti-aging agents housed in it. Its healing properties lighten scars and helps for skin whitening. Here we’re also mixing turmeric you can replace it with milk or other natural ingredient.

Things you’ll need

  • Multani mitti powder
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Turmeric powder
  • Rose water


Mix all ingredients in required quantities in a bowl. If rose water is not available then you can replace it with distilled water or milk. Now apply the paste over your prewashed face.

See that face pack is spread evenly all over the face and around the neck (if needed). Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and rinse it off with water. Multani mitti also exfoliates dead cells, so you can use it as an exfoliator.

3. Orange Peel Powder and Multani Mitti Powder Face Pack for Acne

orange peel for acneOrange peel powder has anti bacterial properties that fight acne causing bacteria and fuller’s earth combination helps to shed dead skin cells. You can add lemon juice to this face pack. Alternatively you can add raw honey to Fuller’s earth.

Things you’ll need

  • Orange peel powder – 1 tbsp
  • Fuller’s earth or multani mitti – 2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – few drops
  • Water or rose water


Mix above mentioned ingredients in a bowl. Add few drops of lemon juice and water (required) and mix thoroughly. Cleanse your face with lukewarm water. Pat dry with soft cloth and using your fingers apply the face pack over acne blemishes.

When you’re done applying evenly, leave it for about 15 minutes and rinse it off with water. Pat dry using cotton cloth.


  • If you’ve sensitive skin, then avoid excess lemon juice.
  • In case if your skin becomes dry after using this face pack, apply moisturizer when the skin is still damp.
  • Don’t add allergic ingredients to your face pack.
  • You can also add olive oil by replacing rose water or milk.

People with dry skin are recommended to use moisturizer (coconut oil) after using multani mitti face pack for oily skin.

Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4

Use Sandalwood Oil or Powder for Treating Acne

sandalwood powder and oil for acne

Sandalwood powder and oil are renowned for its distinctive aroma. Its powder has been an integral part of ceremonies and rituals in many religions. Up till 1930 sandalwood essential oil was popular for its antiseptic and urogenital uses. Santalol which is the main component in sandalwood powder that weighs about 75% has antimicrobial properties.

Sandalwood powder or oil for acne works because it’s packed with antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. To reap these nutritional benefits many cosmetic and soap manufacturing industries include this oil and powder as mere ingredient.

Acne is the common skin condition in teenagers and adults; Mayoclinic blames hormones as the main cause of acne blemishes. In simple words, hormones trigger excess production of sebum which gets accumulated over skin pores, dead cells accompany this oil forming bump. The bacteria invade to worsen the situation.

How Sandalwood Oil for Acne Works?

Numerous traditional medicines like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine are associated with sandalwood. Properties like antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial housed in sandalwood battles with clogged pores and reduce its affect. (1)

sandalwood for radiant skin

Food and Chemical Toxicology journal published in 2007 states that, sandalwood powder also contains antiviral and bactericidal properties.

These assorted properties unclog pores and enhances healing process. It also rehydrates skin and helps in tissue regeneration. Herbalist use this natural oil to treat sunburns, rashes, pimples and other skin diseases. You can include sandalwood to your beauty regimen; this makes your skin supple and radiant.

Also read: Jojoba oil for oily skin

Sandalwood Face Pack for Acne

sandalpowder face pack for acne

Apart from directly using sandalwood powder or oil topically you can make your own face pack to treat acne and give your face a lightening effect.

Sandalwood, turmeric and honey face pack

Sandalwood powder and turmeric powder both has antimicrobial agents which aids in removing tan, pimples and scars. Coming to honey, its uses are documented in various religious books. Properties like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral are housed in raw honey. This nutrition list is mouth watering, isn’t it?

Want to reap all these properties for your skin? Mix all the tree ingredients in required quantities. (Preferably 1/2 tbsp of sandalwood and turmeric powder, 2-3 tbsp of honey). After mixing it well, topically apply over prewashed acne prone skin. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water.

Note: We recommend opting manuka honey as an effective treatment for acne

Alternatively you can use sandalwood powder and rose water. Mix them in required quantities and apply over face to treat acne and acne scars.

Must read: How to apply a face pack

How to Use Sandalwood Oil for Acne

Concentrated sandalwood oil may trigger allergic reaction. So experts suggest to test with small quantity first, by diluting it with water or carrier oil. Remember to wash and pat dry your face before applying. Don’t apply pressure over acne blemishes or it may bust.

Natural remedies always take time to treat unlike chemical filled medicines. So have patience and don’t give up. Along with sandalwood oil or powder change your diet for reducing acne.

Other treatments include

Sandalwood for Acne Scars

sandalwood for acne scars

Not just acne it also fades acne scars, but you must use it regularly. Above mentioned face pack will work to fade acne scars. Though these scars are not associated with any serious skin problem most people want to remove it out of cosmetic concern.

We lack evidence to prove sandalwood fades scars; anyhow many beauty experts have been recommending this folk remedy to their clients.

Things you’ll need

  • Black gram powder
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Rose water


  • Mix sandalwood powder with black gram powder in a plastic container.
  • Then pour rose water to the mixture till you obtain paste like consistency.
  • Now topically apply the paste over prewashed face or skin. Leave it for 15 minutes so that properties in these innate items start effecting over skin.
  • Rinse it off wither water.

Alternatively you can try turmeric, oats or carrier oil. Regular application is important to fade acne scars.


Antibacterial and antimicrobial properties in sandalwood powder can treat acne and fade acne scars. Include this aromatic powder to your beauty regimen to obtain radiant skin. However, consult doctor if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients listed above.

Did you ever use sandalwood powder or oil for acne? Put down your views in comments.

Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4

Banana Peel for Acne Treatment – Proven

banana peel for acne

Banana peel for acne is an innate remedy recommended by many beauty experts because of nutritional properties in it.

It’s really amazing to know all those grandma remedies used years back are now being used as inexpensive safe alternative treatments. Sometimes natural route is the only way to go, when you fed up using chemical filled medicines.

Acne is common and every human being will experience it in lifetime. Health experts states that hormones are main cause behind these blemishes. If you’re in mid or late twenties, heads up acne blemishes are on its way. Popping out on forehead, chin or nose, these pimples are quite annoying and occasionally painful.

Yes, we’ve chemical peels to treat acne, but they may not work for everyone. And we’ve people like you who love natural remedies (we’re like you :)), so here comes our work to search and share home remedies to treat acne.

Banana peel, though it sounds so simple and crazy to use thrown flesh of banana for treating most common skin disease, it works. According to Alternative Home Remedies, banana peels has ability to reduce inflammation, redness and swelling. And you know acne lesion causes all the above mentioned symptoms.

How Banana Peel for Acne Works?

  • Like banana fruit, its peel is filled with antioxidant, lutein and potassium that help to reduce blemishes and inflammation. Peel is also high in B6, B12 vitamins, magnesium, fiber and protein.
  • These nutritional values housed in banana peel start effecting acne blemishes when you rub it over skin.
  • You can add this flesh to your beauty regimen to hydrate your skin.
  • Assorted properties in banana peel helps to fade wrinkles and scars over skin.

Also read: Shea Butter for Wrinkles

That being said you must change your diet to prevent acne and for fast recovery.

Using Banana Peels to Treat Acne and Acne Scars

banana peel to fade acne scars

You don’t have to be a beauty expert to do this.

  • Just bring fresh bananas and wash them.
  • Pat dry with a dry cloth, and peel its flesh.
  • Cut peels into small pieces to easily rub over skin.
  • Wash your face and start rubbing banana peel over acne blemishes. (place inner layer of the peel over skin)
  • Take other pieces when this one turns brown. Repeat the process for 20 minutes, then with a dampened cloth remove excess pulp.

Note: Don’t rub harder, it may break acne lesions. [Also read: Home Remedies for Acne Scars]

Go with this process regularly without miss. With banana peel you can also fade acne scars. Ha! You can eat banana fruit or make banana face mask.


Honestly your acne will not disappear miraculously, all natural remedies react slowly but they come with no side-effects. Consuming banana is going to improve your blood circulation and lowers cholesterol level. If you found good results with banana peel for acne or acne scars then do share your story here in comments.

Image source: 1, 2