Hemp Seed Oil for Acne and Acne Scars

hemp seed oil for acne

Acne is the most common cosmetic problem faced by many teenagers. Most of them ignore, while others turn to chemical incorporated creams that can irritate the skin.

Fortunately, there are many natural oils that can help to treat acne. In this article I’ll discuss on how you can use hemp seed oil for acne and acne scars.

Inflammation, hormonal imbalance and dead cells are main causes of acne breakouts. Excess production of sebum gets clogged at skin pores, where dead cells and bacteria accumulated.

Squeezing pimples will leave large dark scar on the face. There are many cases where regular application of cosmetic creams resulted in allergic reaction. Though most cosmetic manufacturing industries claim to include natural ingredients, they often refine them to increase the shelf life of the product.

Why Hemp Seed Oil for Acne?

Let me first burst this myth that dry skin will reduce acne. Experts say that sebum is not our enemy. Hemp seed oil has 57% of linoleic acid, which is also found in sebum. So, topical application of hemp seed oil will make the sebum much smoother and softer.

  • Unlike beauty creams, this innate oil will unblock your skin pores. It has comedogenic rating “0”, which means that it will not result in acne break-outs.
  • Experts say that when linoleic acid isn’t available, your skin produces oleic acid for sebum. The resulted sebum is drier and firm, which gets blocked at skin pores to form blackheads. Hemp seed oil provides needed linoleic acid to skin and makes the sebum smoother, so it doesn’t clog.
  • Anti-inflammatory property residing in this oil reduces redness and pain around acne bumps.
  • Moisturizing ability of this oil helps to get rid of dry itchy patches.
  • Non-comedogenic activity of hemp seed oil helps to cleanse impurities and oil, blocked in skin pores.
  • Omega – 3 and 6 fatty acids helps to enhance healthy functioning of the skin.
  • Vitamin A, E, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium housed in the oil increases blood flow, lighten acne scars and thwart free radicals preventing wrinkles.

How to Use Hemp Seed Oil for Acne Scars and Acne?

Using hemp seed oil on face for treating acne is the easiest thing in the world. To reap all these nutritional benefits listed above, you must go for organic hemp seed oil.

  1. Initially, you must remove impurities and dead cells piled on the face. You can either use lukewarm water so that blocked pores open up or cleanse with gram flour mask.
  2. Use a soft cloth to pat dry.
  3. Take generous amount of hemp seed oil in your left palm and start applying it over the face.
  4. Leave the oil to dry for about 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse it off with water. Exfoliate to remove traces of oil on the skin.

Depending on your skin type and weather, apply natural moisturizer after this face mask treatment. Use it twice or thrice in a week.

Consuming hemp seed oil will increase linoleic acid levels in sebum and helps to treat acne. Take 1-2 tablespoons of oil every day.

You can use this natural remedy to remove makeup. Apart from treating acne, regular application of hemp seed oil for acne scars is recommended. Even after treating acne blemishes, deep large scars are left behind. Vitamins and minerals residing in hemp seed oil will stimulate collagen production and lighten scars.

Apart from acne, you can reduce eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, inflammation, itchy skin and other chronic skin ailments.

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Thyme for Acne – a Natural Remedy

thyme for acne

About 95% of people in the world will experience acne in some point of their life. It’s very common skin ailment in America with 50 million people suffering from this condition. (1)

Repeated washing, squeezing and high use of beauty creams will make lesions worse. If you’re concerned about your appearance, good news to you there is a natural inexpensive remedy – thyme for acne.

Researchers say that hormonal imbalance stimulate excess production of sebum, which gets blocked at skin pores. It’s a known fact that your skin sheds millions of dead cells that accumulate on the skin. Oil, dead cells and impurities all combine to pop-up blackheads/whiteheads/acne.

As mentioned above, pimples are most common skin issue faced by teenagers. Desire to resemble celebrity drives them to try different cosmetic creams, which normally include chemicals to increase the shelf-life of the product.

You won’t believe, due to excess use of beauty creams your skin can lose its elasticity and premature wrinkles may appear. (2)

On the other hand, natural remedies like thyme leaves or oil go smooth over the skin and have no or less side-effects.

Benefits of Thyme for Acne

This herb belongs to mint family and is extensively found in Europe. Known for its aromatic smell and earthy flavor, thyme leaves can be used to treat skin and health ailments.

Nutrients like vitamin A, B, E, C, K, folic acid, iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and manganese are packed in this herb. Other properties like antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and expectorant enhance healing injuries.

  • Antioxidant activity of this herb will fight free radicals that can damage cell membrane.
  • Antibacterial agents stop P.acnes bacterial infection and thus reduce acne inflammation.
  • You can topically apply this natural remedy over minor injuries and burns, its antiseptic property will avoid infection and stimulate fasten healing.
  • Blend thyme leaves with other innate ingredients to make it effective. Thyme oil extracted from its leaves can moisturize and treat acne.

Seems excellent! Isn’t it?

But, wait. Before you proceed further, let’s see what researchers are saying about this herb.

Team from Leeds Metropolitan University (UK) carried a study by preparing tincture using thyme, marigold and myrrh. Three killed bacteria within 5 minutes, but thyme tincture stood out to be most potent.

When compared to benzoyl peroxide, thyme proved to be the better option. For those who experience irritation while using benzoyl peroxide may use this natural remedy.

However, experts don’t recommend direct use of thyme tincture at home. You must either reach an expert or try blending it with other natural remedies.

Note: I recommend to patch test on elbow or hand before rubbing thyme all over your face.

How to Use Thyme?

thyme oil to treat acne

Excellent thing about natural remedies is that you can blend them with other ingredients to suit your skin type. For those who want to save their skin from chemical ingredients can try this home available recipe to treat acne.

There are different ways to sue thyme leaves or oil. Select the one which goes well with your skin.

Method: 1 (Thyme Leaves and Witch Hazel)

  • Sterilize a small jar or bottle by placing it in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
  • When it’s done dry the bottle thoroughly.
  • Drop 1 tablespoon of dry thyme leaves and 4 tablespoons of witch hazel in the bottle.
  • Shake well and store the bottle in dark place for few days. You can also use it right away as soon as lotion turns to brown color.
  • Wash your face or affected part with lukewarm water and pat dry with clean cloth.
  • Apply this toner evenly using cotton ball or swab.

Regularly use this toner to treat acne.

Method: 2 (Thyme and Clay Mask)

  • Take 1 table spoon of bentonite clay (or kaolin clay or french green) in a bowl.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of above mentioned thyme witch hazel toner to it.
  • After mixing well, apply it over acne blemishes.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Clay removes the moisture from the blemishes and thyme kills bacteria.

Method: 3 (Thyme and Lemon Juice Mask)

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sour cream in a food processor.
  • Optionally add 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Cleanse your face with lukewarm water or expose it steam to open blocked pores.
  • Apply the mask evenly all over the face and leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.

Excess use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive. Use natural moisturizer like olive oil or jojoba oil regularly before going to bed.

You can replace dried thyme leaves with thyme oil to treat acne. Along with topical application, internally you must take vitamin rich diet and drink enough water.

Did you ever use thyme for acne? Please share your views about the herb.

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Turmeric and Yogurt Face Mask Benefits

Are you among those who love their skin?

You might think it’s a weird question, but most of them including few among you love to have chemical ingredient creams over their face instead of natural remedies that has rich nutritional value.

Your skin loves natural ingredients, as they provide vitamins and minerals needed for its healthy functioning. Whereas, you’re cosmetic products strip natural oil surrounding the skin. Apparently your skin likes to have home available natural ingredients, but you serve them pricey refined creams.

Natural ingredients like turmeric and yogurt can make your skin free from impurities and guard it from harmful UV rays. Excellent thing is, it’s inexpensive and you don’t have to rush to a beauty spa. Regular use of these affordable ingredients will make you look young and attractive all the time.

Benefits of Turmeric and Yogurt for Skin

Turmeric has got vital role for minor injuries and burns in India. It is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity that can soothe your skin and reduce acne inflammation. Curcumin is the compound that exhibits antioxidant and other assorted properties in turmeric.

Indians topically apply turmeric powder as a ritual. Below are some benefits of turmeric for skin.

  • Fade acne scars
  • Remove wrinkles
  • Treat acne
  • Fade stretch marks
  • Enhance healing of minor burns and injuries
  • Helps to remove unwanted facial hair
  • Soothes your cracked heels

Also read: Turmeric face mask for acne

Take it as a breakfast or apply it over your skin, either way yogurt can benefit you. Lactic acid and alpha hydroxy acid in yogurt can remove dead cells over your skin. Without ado let’s check the benefits of yogurt for skin.

  • Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties residing in yogurt can restrain acne causing bacteria and effectively treat acne blemishes.
  • As mentioned above, acids in yogurt can hydrate your dry and dull skin. When your skin becomes dry, it can’t fight to restrict bacterial invasion. Natural moisturizers can successfully bring back the lost moisture to your skin.
  • Zinc in yogurt helps to soothe minor sunburns.
  • Bleaching power housed in this innate remedy can help you to get rid of hyperpigmentation.
  • Assorted properties in yogurt can effectively reduce aging wrinkles and make your skin supple.

Also read: Honey and Yogurt face mask

How to Use Yogurt and Turmeric Face Mask?

turmeric and honey face pack for glowing skin

You don’t have to blend them to reap their benefits for skin. But, to make the face mask more effective beauty experts recommend mixing innate ingredients with each other.

Both turmeric and yogurt can make your skin glow and keep skin ailments at bay.

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a clean bowl.
  2. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of plain yogurt to it thoroughly.
  3. Mean while wash your face and pat dry with soft cloth.
  4. You can add 1 tbsp of yogurt if needed to form thick paste like consistency.
  5. Apply the mask evenly all over the face and leave it to dry naturally.
  6. Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

I’d like to add my favorite home remedy honey to it.

Extolling benefits of honey are documented in religious scriptures. It bagged exceptional varied properties like anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic activity. These agents will thwart bacteria and enhance cell regeneration to bring back your skin to life.

Add 1 tbsp of raw honey to above mask and it will turn into an effective acne remedy. While applying the mask, make sure you avoid sensitive areas like eyes and inside nostrils.

Though the mask looks delicious, don’t lick it.

Must read: Turmeric and honey for glowing skin

Yes, you’re busy and can’t apply this face mask daily. Try this weekly or biweekly to see positive results.

Turmeric may leave yellow stains over your face. Don’t worry, apply moisturizer or wash it twice to fade the yellow stain.

Turmeric yogurt and avocado face mask

Antioxidants in avocado thwart free radicals and its vitamin C improves elasticity of the skin. Fatty acids residing in this fruit can hydrate your dry skin.

  • Blend 1 table spoon of mashed avocado with 1 teaspoon of yogurt and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Wash your face thoroughly and apply the face mask evenly.
  • You can apply it around the neck and over forehead.

Lemon juice yogurt and turmeric face mask

If you’ve oily skin add few lemon drops to the face mask. Acidic nature of lemon lightens dark spots and treats acne. Regular use can lighten the appearance of acne scars.

Optionally, apply natural moisturizer after using this face mask.

turmeric and yogurt face mask

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Neem Face Pack for Acne

Neem taste bitter but it has got significant role in Ayurvedic medicines. Renowned as ‘One tree Pharmacy’, its leaves, bark and seeds exhibit abundant benefits for your skin and health. Indians use this herbal remedy to treat various skin aliments including chicken pox and measles. Hindu scriptures documented importance of neem and is scared in Hindu culture.

Momentous role of neem face pack in treating various skin ailments enticed cosmetic market to incorporate neem oil into their creams. However, they include processed and refined material which lacks nutritional value.

Prefer homemade neem face pack for acne blemishes. Pimples are common in teenagers and adults. Due to increasing pollution and unplanned diet, your skin is paying the price. Excess sebum gets produced due to hormonal imbalance and on the other hand your skin sheds millions of dead cells every day. With these impurities, your skin pores are blocked leading to blackheads.

Experts say that inflammation is the main cause of acne. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties residing in neem restrains bacterial infection and reduces acne inflammation. Not just acne, topical application of neem face pack will rejuvenate your skin and thwarts infectious bacteria.

Benefits of Neem for Acne

neem and turmeric face pack

  • Dead cells and other impurities are exfoliated with nutrients residing in neem. It also tightens the skin pores making your skin firm.
  • Free radicals in your body damage cell membrane resulting in wrinkles and fine lines over your skin. Antioxidant activity of neem fights these free radicals and halts them from corrupting the membrane.
  • Anti-inflammatory agents housed in neem face pack can effectively reduce inflammation caused by acne.
  • Bacteria invade your skin to feed over excess sebum and dead cells over your skin. Antibacterial agents thwart these infectious bacteria and restrain them from multiplying.
  • Vitamin C helps to reduce aging wrinkles and enhance collagen production which improves elasticity of your skin.
  • Along with acne, topical application of neem face mask will treat chronic skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis.

How to Use Neem Face Pack for Acne?

One of the easiest ways to use neem leaves is, to boil 10-20 leaves in half liter of water till the leaves lose their color. Strain the leaves and collect water in a bottle. Using cotton ball apply the neem water over skin regularly.

As nutritional value of neem leaves are transferred to water it can soothe your skin, treat acne and reduce wrinkles.

I know you’re looking for something more effective and complex. Below are different face mask recipes using neem.

1. Neem and gram flour for acne

  • Grab some neem leaves from nearby garden and wash them. Mash neem leaves to form smooth paste. Alternatively, you can use neem powder available in market.
  • Mix 1 table spoon of gram flour and 1 table spoon of curd to the paste.
  • Wash your face and apply the face mask over pimples.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Gram flour has cleansing properties, which can remove impurities accumulated over your skin. Whereas curd regulate excess production of sebum.

Also read: 3 DIY Gram flour Face Pack Recipes

2. Turmeric and neem for Dry Skin

turmeric for stretch marks

Both ingredients in this recipe are renowned for antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Add some whipped cream to make it a moisturizing face pack.

  • Take dry neem leaves and ground them into fine powder. Add 1 table spoon of whipped cream and 1/2 tea spoon of turmeric powder to it.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water to open blocked skin pores. Topically apply the neem face mask over the face evenly.
  • Let the nutrients starting working over acne. After 20 minutes rinse it off.

3. Rosewater and neem face pack for acne

  • Crush 2-3 table spoons of dried neem leaves into fine powder.
  • Add 2 teas spoons of rose water and mix well.
  • Optionally add few drops of lemon juice to the paste.
  • Rose water is renowned for antibacterial and antiseptic properties and can effectively reduce pimples.
  • Apply this face mask over prewashed face evenly and rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Before you add innate ingredients to neem face mask, make sure you aren’t allergic to it. If you see any allergic reactions consult your doctor immediately.

7 Benefits of Horsetail for Skin

Herbs has got prominent role in healing skin ailments and for medicinal purpose. Horsetail, also known as shave grass or Equisetum arvense is one among the herbal remedies used by ancient people to treat health and skin issues.

It grows in moist and sand soil temperature, like North America, Asia and Europe. It’s named horsetail because of its stems, which resembles like the tail of horse.

Horsetail for skin has abundant benefits because of its assorted nutritional profile. Unlike other plants, this herb has high concentration of silica that can improve your overall health including skin, hair and bones.

The Greek physician Galenus is the first person to recommend horsetail to treat skin inflammation, ulcers, wounds and ruptures. Chinese documented its medicinal properties in their historical medical scriptures. They used it to cure cool fever, eye inflammation, flu, swelling and hemorrhoids.

Benefits of Horsetail for Skin

horsetail for skin

As mentioned above, horsetail is packed with silicon, which has a healthy contribution in strengthening, skin, hair, building connective tissues and bones.

Do you know? Your skin shed millions of dead cells every day, along with other impurities it gets accumulate over your face causing dark spots on various places. Natural remedies like horsetail have antioxidant agents that can thwart free radicals and also wipe impurities off the skin.

  1. Enhances Collagen Production: Collagen is mainly made of silicon. If you’ve enough silicon in your body, then your skin looks much younger. Not just skin, collagen accounts for hair, teeth and bone functioning. It increases elasticity of your skin and locks moisture.
  2. Astringent: This property removes impurities and excess oil left over in the skin pores. Most astringents can stop bacterial infection, so it can effectively reduce acne blemishes. Astringent is renowned for cleansing and shrinking skin pores.
  3. Hydrates the Skin: Most chronic skin diseases are triggered due to dry skin. Topically applying horsetail for skin can promote collagen production, which makes your skin moist.
  4. Reduce Wrinkles: Your skin losses its elasticity as you grow older. Using external source of minerals can increase collagen production. As mentioned above, collagen improves elasticity of the skin and removes wrinkles.horsetail benefits for skin
  5. Heal Minor Injuries: Wounds, cuts and eczema flare-ups can be healed by using this herbal remedy. Its antiseptic property stops bacterial and fungal infection around wounds and injuries. (Note: Eczema can’t be treated permanently using this home remedy.)
  6. Antioxidant activity of horsetail will restrain free radicals that can damage cell membrane causing wrinkles.
  7. Anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation and allergic reaction triggered due to irritants. Also, antibacterial properties can restrain acnes bacteria, which increase acne inflammation.

Other benefits include strengthening bones, regularize menstruation, improve kidney and liver functioning, stimulate hair growth and treat other health issues.

Diuretic housed in horsetail helps to cleansing your body and increase urine output. You can either directly apply horsetail over wounds, injuries and blemishes to heal or consume it as directed by nutritionist. To reap the benefits of horsetail for skin, you can steep herbal tea with (1/2 cup of horsetail and 1 cup of water). Strain and use the water to rinse your skin and hair. (source)

Though this data lack scientific research, you can try after discussing with dermatologist or nutritionist.

Did you ever use horsetail? Share your views in comments.

Important Note

  • Though natural ingredients have no or very less side-effects, experts recommend to consult nutritionist for dosage.
  • Pregnant and breast feeding women must stay away from horsetail.
  • Alcoholic people normally has thiamine deficiency, consuming horsetail can worsen the situation.
  • Horsetail may decrease blood sugar levels, consult your doctor and check the progress while using this herbal remedy.

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Honey and Baking Soda Face Mask

Everyone yearns to have smooth and glowing skin. Girls are more concerned about their looks than boys. Cosmetic world knew this open secret, so they’re striving to come up with an effective cream. But unfortunately they add chemical ingredients to preserve and for aroma.

These chemical ingredient products may turn dangerous to your sensitive skin, so beauty experts prefer natural remedies as they don’t have any side-effects. Honey and baking soda face mask is one such innate home remedy that is cost effective and makes your skin supple.

The earth’s oldest sweetener honey is renowned for its healing properties. Even religious books include exceptional benefits of honey. Apart from consuming it, you can topically apply it over face or skin to enhance its healthy functioning.

Honey and Baking Soda

honey and baking soda face mask

Raw honey alone is sufficient to make your skin free from skin ailments; but you can optionally add baking soda for serious skin disorders. Abrasive property of baking soda helps to clean dirt and dead cells piled over the face.

While humectant properties in honey lock moisture around the skin, nutrients in baking soda or sodium bicarbonate exfoliates dead cells.

Approximately, you shed one million dead cells in 24 hours. All these cells accumulate over your skin along with other impurities from the surrounding. Excess sebum gets clogged with these impurities to form blackheads. So, baking soda face mask helps to exfoliate your skin.

As properties residing in baking soda can wipe moisture around the skin and make it dry, its recommend to limit its use or apply natural moisturizer after treating with this face mask.

  • Exfoliants in baking soda removes dirt (oil, dead cells and pollutants) accumulated over your face.
  • Moisturizing agents in honey hydrates your face and enhances collagen production. It also helps to get rid of dry itchy patches over the skin.
  • Antiseptic agents residing in raw honey fight bacterial and fungal infection.
  • Antioxidants in honey thwart free radicals and anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation.
  • Assorted properties packed in honey stimulate fast healing of minor burns, injuries and other skin ailments.
  • Baking soda regulates pH level of the skin and controls excess production of sebum.
  • Together baking soda and honey can exfoliate your skin and treat acne blemishes.

How to Make Honey and Banking Soda Face Mask at Home

Ingredients in this face mask are available right now in your kitchen. Regularly using this face mask can make your skin free from infections. Apart from treating acne and other ailments, this face mask turns your dull skin to bright. All these benefits come for very cheap price.

Prefer raw or organic honey over processed honey and limit baking soda as it may make your skin sensitive.

  • Take 4 table spoons of pure baking soda in a clean container.
  • Add 1 table spoon of raw honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Optionally add water to make paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face and pat dry before applying this mask.
  • Using your clean fingers topically apply the face mask avoiding eye and nostrils.
  • Let it dry for few minutes and then rinse it off or wipe with wet cloth.

Optionally, apply natural moisturizer like olive oil or jojoba oil to hydrate the skin.

Honey and Baking Soda for Acne

Antimicrobial and bleaching properties housed in lemon juice can restrain P.acnes and lighten acne scars. Acidic nature of lemon can make your skin dry, so limit its use if you see dry skin.

  • Pour 2 table spoon of baking soda in a small bowl.
  • Mix 1 table spoon of honey and 2-3 drops of lemon juice to it thoroughly.
  • Now, wash acne affected area with lukewarm water or expose it to steam. Clogged acne pores open up.
  • Apply the face mask over the skin and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Apply this face mask 2-3 times a week. Stop using this mask if you see allergic reaction over the skin.

Is Honey Good for Acne?

Benefits of honey are documented in many religious books. Though it is mostly considered for losing weight, raw honey can make your skin glow and supple when used topically.

Its nutritional benefits enticed cosmetic world to incorporate it into their pricey products. However, most of them are processed or refined. Experts recommend raw honey because it is packed with high nutritional values. So next time you visit a store, see for raw labeled on the bottle.

Honey is good for acne because of its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These agents restrain bacterial growth, controls excess sebum production and stimulate fast healing. There is no single honey mask recipe for acne; you can add different natural ingredients to raw honey.

Before dwelling deep into benefits of honey for acne, lets checkout the causes of acne.

What Causes Acne?

honey for stretch marksMostly the age groups between 12 – 25 are seen with acne vulgaris. Experts hold inflammation to be main cause behind these lesions. Sebaceous glands secrets sebum (natural oil) to keep the skin moist and smooth, but due to hormonal imbalance in puberty excess sebum is produced that clogs at pores with dead cells accumulated over it. Bacterial infection takes this to next level by increasing inflammation.

So, excess sebum production, bacteria and dead cells are main causes of acne or pimples.

Cosmetic creams include chemical ingredients, which may stripe natural oil covering your skin and they can’t reach the root level of acne vulgaris.

Whereas, on the other hand natural remedies are inexpensive and they can penetrate deep into the skin to treat acne. It may take more time when compared to creams, but the result last for long time.

Why Is Honey Good for Acne?

Raw honey is packed with assorted nutrients that make it an excellent remedy for acne. This is why many anti-acne products include honey as vital ingredient. Apart from treating acne, humectant property in honey locks moisture over your skin.

  • Antioxidant activity of honey kills free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Antibacterial property restrains acne causing bacteria and condemns its infection.
  • Inflammation around acne lesions can be reduced by anti-inflammatory activity of honey.
  • Further, its antiseptic property stops fungal and bacterial infection over busted pimples.
  • Sticky nature of honey face mask attracts dead cells and impurities piled over your skin.
  • Probiotic agents in this remedy stop further acne breakouts.
  • Humectant property prevents excess production of sebum and hydrates the skin from outside.
  • Vitamins like B2, B3 and C residing in this homemade honey face mask can stop wrinkles and enhance collagen production.
  • Minerals including Calcium, Zinc, Iron and Selenium works to improve your skin texture. (source)

You can eat honey to treat acne and other skin ailments. Apart from this, internal use of honey can decrease cholesterol level, as minerals in this innate remedy improve digestion and metabolizing fatty acids.

Sugar in honey can be easily absorbed in blood, thus it improves digestion. Although it has many health and beauty benefits, you’re advised to take not more than 10 table spoon of honey every day.  (However, the quantity may alter depending on your life style.)

How to Use Honey for Acne?

There are different types of honey available in the market, prefer raw honey or manuka honey to treat acne. As they are packed with more nutrients compared to other types.

You can directly apply honey over acne lesions but to make it more effective you can optionally add other natural ingredients. Let’s now check out various recipes that prove honey is good for acne.

1. Raw Honey

  • Wash affected area with lukewarm water so that clogged pores open up.
  • Pat dry and topically raw honey using cotton ball.
  • Apply evenly all over the face and on forehead.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then risen it off.

Best time to apply honey is before going to bed.

2. Honey and Nutmeg Face Mask

  • Mix equal quantity of honey and powdered nutmeg in a clean bowl.
  • Expose your face to steam or wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply the mask over affected part and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

3. Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask for Acne

Cinnamon powder has wonderful aroma and packed with antibacterial properties. It’s helps to dry acne lesions and unclogs clogged pores.

  • Mix equal quantities of honey and powdered cinnamon in a bowl.
  • After mixing thoroughly apply it over washed acne blemishes.
  • Rinse the mask with water after 20 minutes.

4. Honey and Oatmeal for Acne

Oats can be used to exfoliate dead cells and impurities accumulated over face. It also helps to control excess production of sebum.

  • Mix finely grounded oatmeal with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/4 cup of water.
  • After washing the face with lukewarm water apply the face mask.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Optionally, you can apply natural moisturizer after face mask treatment to hydrate your dry skin.

5. Lemon juice and Honey for Acne Scars

Lemon is renowned for antibacterial properties and lightens dark spots. Scars left after treating acne blemishes fades if treated regularly with this face mask.

  • Take 2 table spoon of raw honey and add 2 drops of lemon juice.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed face.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

6. Honey and Turmeric Face Mask

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric powder can help to treat and fade acne scars.

  • Mix 1 table spoon of raw honey to 1 pinch of turmeric powder in a clean bowl.
  • Wash your face and pat dry.
  • Now, apply the face mask evenly using your clean fingers.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  • Decrease the quantity turmeric powder if you want to avoid yellow stains. Anyhow, those stains fade in few hours.

7. Honey and Sugar Face Scrub

  • Mix raw honey with brown sugar thoroughly.
  • Apply this mask over face to remove impurities and shed dead cells.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Avoid this mask if your pimples are painful.

You can use honey and olive oil for fading acne scars and avoid further acne lesions. Olive oil has abundant nutrients that can make your skin functioning healthy.

Avoid pressing or scratching on pimples, it may increase the infection. Once you see positive results, don’t stop using the honey for acne. Massage your face with olive oil or jojoba oil before going to bed.

  • Honey good for acne only when you decided to use it consistently and follow a healthy lifestyle. Drink as much water as you can and give yourself good sleep.
  • Stay away from chemical filled soaps and creams.
  • All the home remedies take long time to see positive results.
  • Avoid foods that can trigger acne inflammation, like sugar, dairy products, coffee, soy, bread, coconut oil and peanuts. (source)
  • Cleanse your face twice to wipe impurities and millions of dead cells piled over your face.

Is honey good for acne, what’s your take on this article? Share your valuable views in comments.

honey good for acne

7 Benefits of Neem Oil for Skin, Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis

In Southern India, you’ll find a bunch of neem trees in every village. I used to visit my grandmother twice a year, where I get to see numerous neem trees and unfortunately once I had to taste its bark, which was horrible. But, after trying it for 2-3 times my taste buds got adapted to its bitterness.

My mother-in-law recently diagnosed with diabetes, along with medicines she started chewing fresh neem leaves. It may sound weird for those who’re unaware of its Ayurvedic benefits.

Neem oil, seeds, fruits and bark exhibits unbelievable medical properties, so you can use neem oil for acne, eczema, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Neem leaves are also renowned to treating chickenpox and measles.

Short Note on Neem Tree

Known as Margosa Tree in English, neem tree is native to India and other parts of Asia. From thousands of years neem has got significant role in Ayurveda. Neem tree belongs to meliaceae family, which is renowned for fast growing and drought resistance. Its dense evergreen shade lasts for about 150-200 years. (1)

Vedas referred neem tree with different names, like AristaNimba and Pinchumada. Curative activities of neem are found in Arthashastra, which belongs to 4th century BC. Ayurveda books documented neem as Sarva Roga Nirvarini (universal cure for all ailments). (2)

Southern Indians treat neem as The Holy Tree, it has got significant role in traditional ceremonies. Neem oil is derived from neem seeds and fruits. Though it taste bitter, neem oil is packed with fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid that can hydrate your skin.

Nutritional Value of Neem Oil for Skin

neem oil for acne, skin, eczema and psoriasis

Modern researches carried out on neem conclude it as a pack of exceptional medical properties. More than 140 compounds are isolated from different parts of neem. It has got extensive use in Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy treatments.

  • Neem oil is packed with anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant properties. These curative properties can effectively treat skin infections and other ailments that may damage healthy functioning of the skin. (3)
  • Antimalarial agents in neem oil help to restrain malarial parasites.
  • Its Hypoglycemic activity decrease blood sugar levels in the body.
  • It’s shown that Immunostimulant property in neem oil helps to enhance immune mechanism of the cell.

Assorted nutrients in neem oil can thwart infectious bacteria, fungi or virus and makes your skin smooth and supple.

Awesome Benefits of Neem Oil for Skin

Like mentioned above, neem oil has exceptional role in ancient medicines. Even today most cosmetic industries incorporate neem into their creams and lotions. Along with health and skin benefits, neem oil can be used for healthy hair. Chronic skin infections like eczema, psoriasis and acne can be treated using neem oil.

But, reach an expert (grannies) before playing with this Ayurvedic medicine.

1. Neem Oil for Acne

Studies conclude that acne is triggered due to inflammation and hormonal imbalance, which stimulates over production of sebum. This excess sebum gets blocked at skin pores with dead cells. (Your skin sheds millions of dead cells everyday).

  • Anti-inflammatory activity in neem oil can effectively treat pimples or acne lesions by reducing inflammation and redness.
  • After treatment, acne scars can lighten with regular use of neem oil.

Mix few drops of pure neem oil to any essential oil, as high concentration of neem oil may irritate your sensitive skin. Alternatively, you can use honey to lighten the acne scars.

Recommended: Green clay face mask for acne

2. Neem Oil for Eczema

neem flower for acne

Main cause of eczema is unknown. Anyhow, expert hold hereditary as the cause of eczema flare-ups. Dry skin triggers itching, which can worsen the eczema situation. Unfortunately, you can’t completely treat eczema, but medicines like neem oil can relive its symptoms.

  • Antiseptic property in neem oil thwarts infectious fungi.
  • Fatty acids and other assorted nutrients in neem oil will penetrate into skin to form a protective layer and lock moisture round it.
  • Nimbin compounds residing in neem helps to reduce redness and swelling of the skin.

Also read: Coconut oil for eczema and psoriasis

3. Prevents Aging Wrinkles

Rich concentrations of antioxidants packed in neem helps to fight free radicals, which may damage the cell and promote wrinkles. Vitamins and fatty acids packed in neem oil, enhance elasticity to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Wash your face with cold water and pat dry. Then apply diluted neem oil over wrinkles.

Recommended: Shea butter for wrinkles

4. Fights Fungal Infection

Infections like ring worms, nail fungus and athletes foot are triggered by fungi. Neem oil has powerful anti-fungal properties that can kill fungi. Research carried out shows that neem oil can fight 14 different types of fungi.

Compounds in neem oil, namely gedunin and nimbidol play crucial role in fighting infectious causing fungi.

5. Moisturizes Your Dry Skin

As mentioned above dry skin is the main cause of most skin disorders. When natural oil striped from your skin, it gets invaded by various infectious bacteria.

Fatty acids in neem oil penetrate into deeper layers of the skin to hydrate it from the outside and to get rid of dry skin.

Must read: Potato face mask for dry skin

6. Neem Oil for Hyperpigmentation

Alarming levels of pollution and impurities gets piled over your skin. Also excess exposure to UV rays, increase production of melanin leading to pigmentation.

Neem oil has cleansing properties that will wipe impurities off the skin. Also the melanin production is slowed down resulting in fairer skin.

Must read: Mango facial mask for skin whitening

7. Neem Oil for Psoriasis

Just like eczema, mere cause of psoriasis is unknown. Psoriasis is accompanied by vigorous itching and dry skin. Moisturizing these dry itchy patches will relieve you from psoriasis symptoms.

Before trying neem oil on skin, conduct a patch test. Or mix neem oil with any other natural oils. Topically applying neem oil will instantly relieve you from itching and hydrates itchy patches.

You can find neem oil from local store or through online store.

Important Note:

  • Refrigerant activity in neem oil can decrease your body temperature, so use it with caution in cold. If you see nausea, vomiting and loose stools reach your physician immediately.
  • Though neem oil is not associated with any serious harmful side-effects, high concentration of neem can be toxic. Especially, children, pregnant women and sensitive skin people are recommended to limit the use of neem oil.

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