10 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Acne is the most common skin disease where small bumps pops out of skin. Main cause behind acne is excess sebum production, which gets accumulated over skin with dead cells forming bump.

Though, not all pimples (bumps) are inflammatory they are distressing and quite depressing. According to a study about 7.1% of acne case turns to suicide. (source: Wikipedia.org)

Yes, acne or pimples are not critical but they spoil your appearance which restrains your social life. There are many natural as well as other remedies to get rid of acne.

Especially, when you’ve a surprise party, try these quick home remedies to get rid of acne, so that you don’t have to give vague reasons.

10+ Ways to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

#1 Cucumber

how to get rid of acne fast - cucumber

Cucumber though didn’t receive much press compared to other vegetables it is has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In a test it was found that fresh sliced cucumber reduced inflammation in animals. This vegetable belongs to melon family and is packed with vitamin K, B and C, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

  • Slice fresh cucumber into pieces and soak it in water for about an hour, so that all nutrients get transferred to water. Then drink that water or wash acne affected area.
  • Or make cucumber face mask, place it on your face for about 15 minutes and rinse it off.

Also read: Natural relief for itchy acne on face

#2 Lemon

lemon - quick relief from acne

Lemon/limes are rich source of vitamin C and have antioxidant properties which dries acne. From a local store get some fresh lemons, squeeze lemon juice in a bowl.

  • Using a cotton swab apply lemon juice on pimples at night and rinse it off on next day.
  • You can mix cinnamon powder with lemon to make paste, apply it on pimples.

#3 Ice

ice cube to freeze pimples

Acne causes inflammation and redness. Ice cube freeze skin pores and helps to remove dirt from it. Repeatedly placing ice cubes on inflammation reduces redness fast.

  • Wrap ice cubes in a cloth or in an ice pack, place it on acne affected area for fast relief.
  • Repeat the process.

#4 Honey

acne treatment with honey

This natural antibiotic medicine helps in healing and fighting acne causing bacteria. Honey benefits for skin here.

  • Apply honey on pimples using cotton swab.
  • If you’ve enough time, mix it with cinnamon powder and apply the paste on acne affected areas.

#5 Papaya

papaya for acne

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. Exfoliating properties in papaya clears dead cells accumulated on skin pores. Anti oxidant properties helps sooth fresh swollen pimples.

  • Extract papaya juice using knife and apply it over pimples.

Also read: 6 homemade face scrubs

#6 Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar for acne relief

Not just in salads, ACV (apple cider vinegar) used to treat many health issues. Apply few drops of ACV on affected area and it turns your skin into smooth and reduces fine lines, this works by restoring pH level of skin. To treat acne, dip cotton swab into apple cider vinegar solution and apply it on pimples at night.

Also read: How to remove mole with ACV?

#7 Garlic

garlic for acne treating

Garlic contains sulfur which promotes fast healing. It has antioxidant and anti-fungal properties which refrain acne causing bacteria.

It’s damp simple to use, just crush few garlic cloves in to pieces and apply it over acne affected area, then rinse it off. But make sure you don’t use it excess as it may irritate your skin.

Also read: Argan oil skin benefits

#8 Baking Soda

baking soda for acne

This home available chemical is also known as sodium bicarbonate. Only because of antibacterial properties several laundry advertisers use them, baking soda removes odor from clothes and also from body. It refrain body odor causing bacteria.

It can even treat acne. (May or may not work for you depending on your skin type)

  • Wash your face or affected area and leave it damp.
  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice or water to make it paste.
  • Apply the paste on acne affected area and rinse it off.

Note: Frequent and longer use of baking soda makes your skin dry.

Also read: Control body odor with baking soda

#9 Peppermint

peppermint for pimples

Peppermint is hybrid mint which contains high amount of menthol. Several pricey product manufacturers include menthol because of its soothing property. Its antibacterial properties fight bacteria on skin.

  • Get some fresh peppermint leaves and crush them to extract juice.
  • Apply it on acne pimples and rinse it off after 10 minutes.

Also read: 7 Jojoba Oil Skin Benefits

#10 Steam

steaming for acne

Steaming process is good for your skin, it clears dirt and clogged skin pores helping it to breathe.

  • Fill container with hot water and bend over the container so that your face comes in contact with steam.
  • Wash your face for after 5 minutes with lukewarm water.

Other Acne Treating Remedies

# Tooth Paste

This home remedy is not recommended by experts.

Ingredients in tooth paste like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide does help to dry out pimples but they may also irritate your skin. As it come in handy people list tooth paste to home remedies.

We listed here to caution you against it. Don’t use it.

Whats your fast home remedy to get rid of acne fast? Share with our readers in comments.

Image source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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