Eczema Causes, Symptoms and Treatment – with Pictures

Eczema is a term used to refer a group of skin diseases where skin becomes inflamed or irritated. In some languages, eczema also called as dermatitis, while in other languages dermatitis known for acute skin disease and eczema for chronic skin disease. A chronic disease is a condition which lasts for longer time, more than 3 months.

As mentioned above eczema is not a single skin disease. There are many types of eczema and most common one is Atopic Eczema. Let’s list all of them here.

  • Atopic Eczema
  • Irritant dermatitis
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Stasis dermatitis
  • Fungal infections
  • Scabies
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Lichen simplex chronicus
  • Nummular eczema
  • Dry Skin eczema
  • Seborrheic eczema

Here in this article we will be considering the most common type of eczema i.e.; Atopic eczema.

According to National Institutes of Health, in US 31.6 million have eczema symptoms and 17.8 million people met with AD (Atopic dermatitis) symptoms. Most of the cases are undertreated. This particular skin disease has been recognized as major health problem worldwide, one-third of world population has been affected with this disease. (source)

According to Mehmet Oz, MD, Cardiology, about 60% of children with eczema will get it before age 1, and at least 80% will develop it before age 5. Though some child may outgrow it by their tenth birthday, in most people symptoms will show on and off throughout their life time.

Many children who got affected by Atopic Eczema will develop asthma after few months or years. This is known as Atopic March. Scientist says that this is caused due to advance stages of eczema. The substance circulated through affected skin part triggers asthmatic symptoms. (source)

Symptoms of Atopic Eczema

As mentioned above atopic eczema is a chronic disease which last for longer time. So, symptoms are present all the time anyway before flare-up (red bumps) you consider few things as symptoms. They are listed below.

  • Skin becomes dry.
  • Because of dryness skin breaks at different places, mostly at feet.
  • It looks as if your skin dried up completely.
  • Itching sensation triggers in different parts of the body.
  • Itching usually worse at night.
  • When you scratch that particular skin part become thick and form patches.
  • And soon you may see red and inflamed symptoms.

Patches or red bumps may occur at any part of the body any way they most concentrate on ankles, feet, wrist, back of the knees and feet in adults. In infants, you may see red bumps on face and scalp.  Among darker skinned people atopic eczema affects pigmentation, leaving the affected area in darker or lighter color patches. Among fair skinned people initially red bumps starts and slowly with repeated scratching they turn to brown colored patches.

And when you ignore symptoms listed above or if you already those symptoms then you will have blisters appeared over your skin. These blisters with time they ooze and invite bacteria to invade making it more badly.

Avoid these things if you see eczema symptoms
  • Don’t take hot showers.
  • Apply moisturizer after bath.
  • Avoid stress.
  • In winter stay away from dry air, wrap up with a cloth and wear gloves.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Detergents with fragrance ingredients as they may irritate your skin.

What Causes Eczema or Atopic Eczema?

Unfortunately the exact cause for eczema is unknown. Anyway after some research in 2006 scientist confirmed that gene causes dry skin, scaly skin and predisposes them to eczema. (source)

Generally atopic eczema is caused when your skin’s outer surface lose its ability to lock the moisturizer. This makes skin dry and leaves the skin itchy. This scratching triggers to more itching and leading a way for bacteria to enter and affect your skin.

And in some people this may be triggered by any contact with allergic substance, leading to skin allergy. Even stress may be the cause for itchy skin.

Hereditary is most common factor for this disease, says scientist. If one among the parents has skin allergy or asthma then there is 60% of chance of eczema in children. Unlucky if both parents have this skin disease then chance of child getting it is 80%.

Unfortunately there is no right away cure for eczema. You need to follow-up regular tips to reduce its effect.

How is eczema diagnosed?

There is no way to test your skin and tell that this is eczema, when you visit your dermatologist may ask you few questions which may include question regarding your parents, your skin condition and after examining your skin the doctor will confirm you if it’s eczema.

How is eczema treated?

Well the mere goal of treatment is not to cure or remove eczema because there is no such way to remove it completely from your body (at-least till date), so the treatment or cure is to reduce itching and flare-ups on your skin which is making you uncomfortable.

This includes creams to keep your skin moist, it’s advised to apply moisturizing cream when your skin is damp (after bath) or after washing the affected part. Just pat dry with a towel and apply moisturizing cream.

If eczema is spreading to other parts of the body then you may be suggested to apply antibiotic cream to kill bacteria which are working to spread.

In 2006 FDA approved two topical eczema drugs (Elidel and Protopic) for treating eczema anyway they come with FDA boxed warning for doctors because of the concerns over possible cancer. These drugs are for a short period, longer medication with these drugs has been avoided, anyway if patient see no recover that doctors may prescribe this medicine after sometime. (source)


Eczema is a collection of skin diseases, atopic eczema is one such common eczema found in most people. Symptoms are dry itchy skin with patches, red bumps in come cases. Main cause for eczema is not known but most scientist say that hereditary is common cause. There is no treatment anyway you’re advised to apply moisturizer, ointments prescribed by doctor, follow healthy food to maintain skin barrier. Avoid things which can stimulate itching sensation like hot bath, contact with allergic substance, dry air etc…

Eczema Pictures

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10+ Benefits of Beetroot Juice for Skin and Health

Beetroot or informally simply known as beet is getting more new coverage after a research carried out which proved that this dark red vegetable can cure blood pressure and improve blood flow.

Beet is not new; its origin can be traced back from Roman times. Romans used Beetroot to treat aphrodisiac (a thing to increase sexual desire), fever, constipation, wounds and other skin problems like acne, boils and remove dead cells. It’s a myth that beetroot is available only in red color; beetroot with white, golden and even multicolor are available.

Nutritional Facts in Beetroot

raw-beet-root-benefitsBeetroot contains rich amount of folic acid, manganese, Vitamin A, C and K. Minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, copper, sulphur, silica and chlorine are also found in Beets. Beet Juice is rich in nitrates and antioxidant which is improve blood flow and reduces blood pressure. Other nutrient things include amino acids (D amino acids, alpha amino acids), flavonoids (enhance the power of Vitamin C and protect blood vessels from leakage) and carotenoids (reduces certain cancers and eye disease.)

Before diving into benefits of Beetroot, let’s know which form is preferred.

Eat or Drink?

Beet taste described as sweet and earthy. It can be taken in raw, cooked or juiced forms.

Most vegetables are preferred to take in raw form but in beetroot case it’s different. Drinking beet juice helps you in lowering blood pressure better than other forms. When you cook beetroot the amount of nutrients in beet reduces.

By juicing you’re going to get maximum amount of phytonutrients (plant chemicals).

Related post: Spinach for skin

Benefits of Beetroot Juice for health

beetroot juice benefits for skin and health

#1 Reduce Blood Pressure

A study carried out which was published by American Heart Association journal states that nitrate in beet helps reduce blood pressure.

Few participates in Queen Mary University asked to drink beetroot juice, other group to take dummy drink and third group to take nitrate tablets. Within 24 hours it’s found that blood pressure of first group (who took beet juice) and third group (who took nitrate tablet) reduced.

#2 Increases blood flow

Beetroot contains high amount of nitrates which is converted to nitrites by bacteria. Which then helps to increase blood flow in the body thus improving brain, heart and kidney functioning.

#3 Improves Stamina

It has been proved that eating raw beet before race helped runners to get some extra advantage when compared to other runners who’re given cranberry relish for comparing.

Also while exercising, beetroot boost up your energy level to extend your workout time.

#4 Reduce sudden heart attack or strokes

Betacyanin present in Beetroot helps reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol and removes deposits from the walls of artery. This reduces sudden heart attacks.

#5 Improves spinal cord formation in unborn child

It’s great resource for pregnant women. Folic acid in beet is responsible for protection of unborn child’s spinal cord from spina bifida.

#6 Helps Keep Diabetic under check

Initially Beetroot got popularity for its sugar content. When British stopped sugarcane production for sugar, Napoleon asked to start Beetroot production for sugar. So, diabetic patients who’ve crave for sugar are preferred to take Beetroot which is free from fat. Because Beetroot has a medium glycaemic index which releases sugar very slowly in blood. Thus, maintaining sugar level in blood.

#7 Treats Anemia

Iron content in Beetroot helps transport oxygen and nutrients which helps to treat anemia.

#8 Protect from Cancer

Betacyanin in Beetroot slows the growth of tumor by 12.5% in patients with breast cancer. (source)

#9 Beats Constipation (Helps to keep stomach clean)

Laxative, because of its high soluble fiber content. (source)

#10 Recommended diet for Obesity

Because of its rich fiber and low calorie levels it helps to lose weight. If you’re on a diet to lose weight then you must add this beetroot juice to taste plethora of health benefits.

Benefits of Beetroot Juice for Skin

Drinking Beetroot juice regularly helps skin tone smooth and healthy.

#11 Get away from dry skin and other skin diseases

Regular drinking of Beetroot juice helps to get rid of dry skin, acne and boils.

#12 Improves Skin tone and gives glowing complexion

Help, to purify blood by removing toxins and excess water from the body thus, making skin glow.

#13 You can use Beetroot face mask

Renowned for purifying blood, assorted vitamins and nutrients in beetroot works as excellent remedy to nourish skin. Topically applying its face mask will remove wrinkles and removes hyperpigmentation. Mix it with innate remedies, so that it won’t leave stains over your face.

  • Beetroot juice – 1 tbsp, 1 pinch turmeric powder, gram flour 1 tbsp and milk cream 1/2 tbsp.
  • To juice, grate raw beetroot and squeeze to have juice. Drop turmeric, milk cream and gram flour required quantities.
  • Mix it thoroughly and go for patch test over inner side of elbow. If things go right, apply it on the face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Optionally you can follow with a moisturizer.

#14 Removes dark spots and blemishes

You can leverage more benefits by including beetroot in your diet either in raw, cooked or juiced form. But one thing to be noted is, excess consumption of beetroot may turn urine color in pink, nothing harmful. Patients with kidney stones (because of excess calcium are advised not to include beetroot in their diet.)

Above are just few important health and skin benefits of beet. For more detailed view checkout resources below.

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