Benefits of Bentonite Clay for Skin, Acne and Psoriasis

Skin being the largest organ of the body protects you from UV rays, dirt and infectious bacteria. Due to internal or external elements the skin loses natural moisture and the ability to guard your body. Now, it’s your turn to pay back, topically applying natural ingredients will nourish and hydrates the skin.

Bentonite clay for skin is one such innate remedy extracted from Mother Nature. Also known as Montmorillonite, bentonite clay is composed of ashes from volcanoes. Its renowned healing properties enhance healing and detoxify the body.

This clay got the name from Fort Benton (Wyoming), a place with numerous volcanoes. Today this healing clay is harvested in France, US and Italy. Bentonite clay has significant importance in history because of its healing power. Traditionally, people in Central Africa, Australia and Andes consumed this clay to kill toxins and free radicals.

How Bentonite Clay for Skin Works?

bentonite clay for skin

Benefits of bentonite clay is not confined to skin, as mentioned above historians used it internally to cure various diseases. These assorted properties allured industries to incorporate this clay into daily used products. Anyhow, here we’ll be discussing about its benefits for skin and how it can treat acne and other chronic skin diseases.

Naturally, bentonite clay is packed with unmatched properties, when the clay comes in contact with water or fluid, a type of electrical charge is produced that binds toxins and thwarts them out. Also study shows that bentonite clay itself packed with assorted nutrients like copper, silica, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium, which is absorbed by your body.

A study quotes that, clays have antibacterial properties that may restrain bacteria.

In other words, bentonite clay is negatively charged and toxins are positively charged, when they come in contact exceptional properties in bentonite clay binds toxins and help to remove it. Likewise it effectively removes dirt, impurities and heavy metals from skin, mouth and the body.

Bentonite Clay for Skin

Your skin is most exposed part of your body, and increasing levels of pollution, dirt and impurities gives a favorable environment for the bad bacteria to invade and provoke infection. Cleansing impurities and toxins from the skin will help it to breathe well and restrain infectious virus.

For this, mix bentonite clay with water and apply it over prewashed face or skin. Let the mask dry naturally and then rinse it off. Along with the mask, properties in bentonite clay will remove impurities from the skin.

Apart from this, antibacterial and other renowned properties in bentonite clay enhances fast healing, treats allergic reactions and reduces inflammation.

For serious injuries, place solid bentonite clay mask over cuts/burns and wrap it with wet cloth. Repeat the process at regular intervals to stimulate fast healing.

For different bentonite clay mask recipes, click here.

Related post: Kaolin Clay for Skin

Bentonite Clay for Acne

bentonite clay for acne

Sebum is the natural oil secreted by the skin to keep itself moist. Internal factors like hormonal imbalance and external factors influence excess oil production, which blocks skin pores along with dead cells. Bacteria invade and feed on the dead cells aggravating acne lesion.

Highly absorbent and exfoliating quality of bentonite clay reduces acne blemishes and tightens skin pores. As mentioned above, the electrical charge created after mixing with water binds toxins and impurities that will be flushed once you rinse it off.

Bentonite clay recipe for acne:

Most common method is to mix required amount of bentonite clay powder with water and then apply it with fingers over initially washed face. Leave it for 15 minutes, so the unmatched properties in the clay start affecting. Rinse it off and pat dry.

Experts say that, using bentonite clay you can measure the amount of sebum secreted by your skin. The process involves 2-3 applications of the clay mask and it must be carried out in a well equipped lab.

Note: This clay mask may make your skin dry, so it’s recommended limiting its use if you’ve dry skin or follow with a natural moisturizer after face mask treatment.

Related post: Multani mitti for oily skin

Bentonite Clay for Psoriasis and Eczema

Studies conclude that bentonite clay for skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema is completely safe and is hypoallergenic. Though the exact cause of psoriasis and eczema are unknown, scientist say hereditary and weak immune system may trigger chronic diseases. Unfortunately, there is no permanent treatment for these skin disorders.

Anyhow, using bentonite clay for psoriasis you can reduce the symptoms. The negatively charged elements in the clay attract positively charged bacteria, virus and toxins causing infection. Regular use will cleanse impurities and infectious bacteria.

Mix it with water and apply it over affected parts. Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off. Don’t forget to apply jojoba oil to moisturize the skin.

Related post: Seaweed for Eczema

Bentonite Clay for Hyperpigmentation

bentonite clay face mask

Your body has a pigment known as melanin, which is responsible for your skin’s color. Excess exposure to UV rays or other factors like antibiotics increases melanin production leading to dark skin or hyperpigmentation.

Apart from topically applying this face mask you must stay away from UV rays or wear hat and cover the body with cloth. Bentonite clay for hyperpigmentation works effectively as it draws out all toxins and impurities from the body due to its electrical charge.

Add this natural ingredient to your beauty regimen.

Bentonite Clay for Wrinkles

In most cases, wrinkles appear when your skin loses its elasticity and impurities settled on it. A natural remedy like bentonite clay will not only flush impurities but minerals housed in this clay will stimulate healing and nourish the skin. And when the skin is free from radicals and bacteria, it functions well and enhances elasticity.

You can use apple cider vinegar instead of water while mixing bentonite clay for wrinkles. Sensitive skin people should use water.

Also read: Coconut oil for under eye wrinkles


Benefits of bentonite clay for skin are enormous and safe to use. If the clay makes your skin dry, apply moisturizer evenly when the skin is still damp. Chronic skin disorders like acne, psoriasis, eczema, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles can be treated using this healing clay.

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